ImageEn for Delphi and C++ Builder ImageEn for Delphi and C++ Builder


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 TImageEnMView ILIST-*.tmp file size
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Posted - Aug 10 2021 :  15:44:05  Show Profile  Reply
Opening a TIFF file in TImageEnMView creates a ILIST-*.tmp file, which can get really big. Is there a way to control this? Our application is used in a Terminal Server environment and operations only gives them 1GB of disk space for the user's temp directory. Can we redirect this or limit its file size in some way?


38796 Posts

Posted - Aug 10 2021 :  17:54:10  Show Profile  Reply

You can control whether TImageEnMView uses disk or memory with:

But more importantly you should limit the amount of memory that ImageEn uses by avoiding the load of very large multi-page tiff files at once, i.e. by loading only the TIFF page that you are currently displaying or manipulating.

You will need to tell me more about your usage for specific advice, but you probably only want to load thumbnails into TImageEnMView using:

Then load only the specific frame into your viewer/editor.

Xequte Software
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