how must I code to format single RichText words or lines?
Examples: 1.) If I use TIETextLayer(ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer).Font.Color := FontDlg.Font.Color nothing happens as the chosen RichText word looses the selection. 2.) If I use TIETextLayer(ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer).Alignment := iejCenter it will be applied on the whole text layer, not on the selected line, and it only aligns the text correctly if in the RichText-Toolbar is defined "left alignment".
Using the sole RichText-Toolbar for formatting, the RichText is formatted correctly. Unfortunately, the look of the Toolbar doesn't fit to the app and there are errors in the translation, reason why I try to use graphically adquate icons for the main functions.
Firstly, if there are errors in translation, please let us know so we can fix them. We have an XLSX file with the translation resources that I can send you.
Formatting of rich text in text layers can only be done via the RichText property (i.e. by updating the RTF code) or when editing the text via the TIERichEdit that is used as the editor.
You might want to look at the TIERichEdit action code in iexActions.pas to see how to interact with the editor.