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268 Posts

Posted - Sep 15 2021 :  19:29:48  Show Profile  Reply
I recently stumbled on the demo: Demos\Multi\Explorer\ExplorerDemo.dpr and was pleased to see that I should be able to build a replacement for File Explorer that allows me to adjust the font size via Ctrl+Plus/Minus like with browsers and email programs. Very nice! I am well on my way, but I've found a few issues and confirmed them with the demo:

If I use: IEFolderMView.SetStyleEx( iemsColumns, iedtFileName, iedtFileType, iedtFileEditDateTime, 0, True, True, True, True );
Clicking the Type column does not seem to sort, but the demo's popup menu option does.
If I use iedtFileExt, Clicking the Type column does sort.

If I use:
IEGlobalSettings().ImageEditingToolbar.Buttons := [ivbImageClipboard, ivbImageEditRotate, ivbImageEditFlip, ivbImageEditUndo, ivbImageEditOther, ivbImageSeek, ivbImageSave,ivbMouseSelect, ivbImagePrint];

this gives a crop icon, but no cropping action on .jpg or .tif. If the select icon is used, then a mini-toolbar appears with cropping that works.

If I use:
IEFolderMView.KeyInteract := [ mkiMoveSelected, mkiLetterNavigation];

The file is selected, but the display does not scroll down to show the file. Alpha and digits appear to work, except zero. It does change the display in TIEFolderTree.

IEFolderMView.ReadOnly := false; The help file appears to suggest True turns on file name editing. It is actually false.

If I use:
IEFolderMView.FolderInteract := [ieboOpenFoldersOnDblClick, ieboLaunchImagesOnDblClick, ieboLaunchFilesOnDblClick, ieboEnableFolderShortcuts, ieboEnableFileShortcuts, ieboClickToSortColumns];

Keyboard shortcuts:
Arrows work. Ctrl/Shift arrows work. Alpha letters select files but don't move them to visible. Ctrl+A doesn't select any files.
Delete does delete file. F2 does rename and clicking does work. Right Click>Rename does not work. Backspace does work. F5 does work. Enter does work. Alt+Enter does work. Ctrl+C works to copy, Ctrl+X just copies sometimes and doesn't refresh the display, Ctrl+V does paste but doesn't refresh the display. Shift+F10 does work. Right click > Cut does not yield a Right Click > paste option in another folder.

I have figured out how to generate a popup hint like File Explorer if a file is selected. However I haven't found a way to do it with a file that the mouse is hovering over. Is there a way? I thought TIEGetHintEvent or trackmouseselection might help but the help file was either silent or I didn't understand it.

Can we have popup toolbar for PDFium viewing? I've figured how to link it into the Preview feature. I have a variety of toolbars turned on, but none appears to be available for PDFium.



38790 Posts

Posted - Sep 16 2021 :  00:33:46  Show Profile  Reply

Thank you for your detailed feedback. I have worked through each point and replied below...

> Clicking the iedtFileType column does not seem to sort

Thanks, this is fixed in the latest beta.

> If I use ... this gives a crop icon, but no cropping action on .jpg or .tif.
> If the select icon is used, then a mini-toolbar appears with cropping that works.

Cropping won't be available until a selection is made. At this time there is not a button for the CropTool interactions. But I'll add it to the to-do list.

> If I use: mkiLetterNavigation the display does not scroll down to show the file.

Ensure you enable SelectedImageAlwaysVisible

> Alpha and digits appear to work, except zero.

Fixed in current beta.

> IEFolderMView.ReadOnly := false; The help file appears to suggest True turns on file name editing

Fixed in current beta.

> Ctrl+A doesn't select any files.

Fixed in current beta.

> Right Click>Rename does not work.

Hmm, that's a system menu issue. I'll need to look into that further.

> Ctrl+X just copies sometimes and doesn't refresh the display.

I cannot reproduce that. Is UpdateAutomatically enabled?

> Right click > Cut does not yield a Right Click > paste option in another folder.

Paste is only available in the system folder menu. ImageEn does not display a system folder menu at this time.

> I have figured out how to generate a popup hint like File Explorer if a file is selected. However I haven't found a way to do it with a file that the mouse is hovering over.

If you have enabled ShowThumbnailHint you should be able to customize the hint in OnGetHint as the mouse moves over the control.

> Can we have popup toolbar for PDFium viewing?

This has been added in v10.2.0.

You can email me for v10.2.0 or the latest beta.

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - Sep 22 2021 :  19:58:51  Show Profile  Reply
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm guessing that some issues didn't make it into 10.2.0.

I tried SelectedImageAlwaysVisible and it does not cause file names to scroll onto screen.

There is a small bug in your demo:
C:\ProgramData\ImageEn\Demos\Multi\Explorer bug:
pitFilename .Checked := IEFolderMView.SortOrder = iesbFilename;
pitFilename .Checked := IEFolderMView.SortOrder = iesbFilenameWithoutPath;
If column for file name is clicked, the second line works. The first does not.

The arrows at the top of columns to show the sort order are almost invisible and small. Any chance I can adjust that, or you make them bigger & darker?

Can double clicking a column border adjust the width to the widest visible, like File Explorer?

With .JPG the toolbar includes a rectangular select option. It formerly popped up a minitoolbar with clipboard and crop options. The crop option is now missing and the crop option on the main toolbar is still nonfunctional.

My interest in using this File Explorer substitute is that it lets me adjust font sizes for a customer with macular degeneration. He uses the Windows Magnifier which is just horrible.

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38790 Posts

Posted - Sep 22 2021 :  22:59:57  Show Profile  Reply

You should download v10.2.0.

We've fixed the sorting issues you mention in the current demo.

Also, there is an issue where the header text and sort chevrons do not scale on monitors with scaled text. We've fixed that in the current beta.

We'll look at auto-width on double-click for a later version.

The following code:

IEGlobalSettings().ImageEditingToolbar.Buttons := [ivbImageClipboard, ivbImageEditRotate, ivbImageEditFlip, ivbImageEditUndo, ivbImageEditOther, ivbImageSeek, ivbImageSave,ivbMouseSelect, ivbImagePrint];
ImageEnView1.AutoToolbars := [ ievEditing, ievSelection ];

Gives this toolbar if there is no selection:

Or this one with a selection (default buttons):

Clipboard buttons are included. The crop button is non-functional if there is no selection to crop.

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - Sep 29 2021 :  10:44:26  Show Profile  Reply
I've been traveling so can't pay as much attention to this as I'd like. I have managed to find a few questions (I am using 10.2.0):

IEFolderMView.KeyInteract := [ mkiMoveSelected, mkiLetterNavigation];
IEFolderMView.SelectedImageAlwaysVisible := true;
I put this in the ExplorerDemo and tried all layout options. If a letter is off screen, it is selected but not moved onto the screen.

The lack of a crop option that I had noted is fixed via:
IEGlobalSettings().ImageSelectionToolbar.Buttons := [ ivbImageClipboard, ivbImageEditOther ];
apparently that is the default and I messed it up with just the ivbImageClipboard.

Help file error:
IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewingToolbar.Position := iepAbove; //tpAbove; The help file has tpAbove but that does not compile.

In OnImageSelect, I use the following code to switch to PDFium when needed:

if ((FindFileFormat(ImageFileName) = iomscWPPDF)  or (UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(ImageFileName)) = '.PDF')) then
      ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Enabled := true;
      ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ShowAllPages := true;
      ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.AllowFormEditing := True;
      IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewingToolbar.Buttons := [ ivbImageSeek, ivbImagePrint, ivbImageZoom , ivbImageSave,  ivbMouseZoomAndScroll] - [ivbImageEditOther];     
      ImageEnView1.AutoToolbars := [ ievPdfViewing ];  

Even with - [ivbImageEditOther] I can't get rid of the page moving buttons. I would like to be able to severely limit editing to rotate, flip and zoom, since one customer needs to be able to view financial PDFs for evidentiary value, without changing the evidence. I've seen banks deliver a PDF with 1,000 check images, all upside down, so your button for rotating the whole file is very handy. But evidence should never be changed so I would remove ivbImageSave for that application. And moving pages shouldn't happen either.

I think 10.2.0 fixed an earlier problem that I had where using IEFolderMView.AutoRefresh := Auto_Update;
did not refresh the file list when I pasted in files. My work around prior to that was:
procedure TForm1.btnPasteClick(Sender: TObject);

Now with 10.2.0 I was surprised to find that this code caused the pasted files to appear twice, until I pressed F5. Easy fix was to remove RefreshFileList, but I wonder if that behavior is really intended?

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38790 Posts

Posted - Sep 29 2021 :  23:56:07  Show Profile  Reply

> I put this in the ExplorerDemo and tried all layout options. If a letter is off screen, it is selected but not moved onto the screen.

Please email me for the 10.2.1 beta and try it in that update.

> Help file error: tpAbove

Thank you, fixed.

> In OnImageSelect, I use code to switch to PDFium when needed. Even with - [ivbImageEditOther] I can't get rid of the page moving buttons.

Sorry, that is a bug. Please email me for a fix.

> Calling TImageEnFolderMView.RefreshFileList when AutoRefresh is enabled may add file twice

There could be a timing issue there due to the way folder monitoring is done by Windows (i.e. new file is announced after the explicit refresh). I've added some safety checking to prevent this.

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - Oct 16 2021 :  20:12:34  Show Profile  Reply
Thanks again. I've only be able to work on this intermittently, but here are a few more questions:

Will IEFolderMView wrap file name if it is only icon + file name? Detail view? File Explorer seems to wrap at least 2 lines, depending on icon size. It would be nice if this were possible.

PDFium has importing, deleting and moving pages, but no exporting. Can you add extracting selected pages into a new file? I realize this can be accomplished by deleting from the source file and resaving, but that lets the user risk error and save over the source file.

if WindowsSelectDirectory(iemsg(IEMsg_WhereDoYouWantToCopyTheseFiles), fLastCopyDirectory, IEFolderMView) then OR

IEOpenFolderDialog1.Folder := fLastCopyDirectory;
if IEOpenFolderDialog1.execute then

Both of these options select the desired fLastCopyDirectory, but do not refresh the dialog to show the selected folder. You have to scroll to find the selected folder.

If I am renaming a file, the system right click menu is available but not very useful. Is there any way to provide my own right click menu? There doesn't seem to be an ImageEn right click menu.

I found nothing in the help file for: IEFolderMView.ShowTextEditor which is the code for Rename button.

If I use imbImageRotate in FolderMViewSelectionPopupMenu, it does not refresh the view of file, if Preview is turned on. Is there a way to make Preview reload the file automatically to show that it has rotated? Or a way to just trigger the preview to perform the rotation? I'm not sure why I would want to click a rotate option without seeing it happen.

IEFolderMView.FolderInteract := [ieboOpenFoldersOnDblClick, ieboLaunchImagesOnDblClick, ieboLaunchFilesOnDblClick, ieboEnableFolderShortcuts, ieboEnableFileShortcuts, ieboClickToSortColumns];

Ctrl+X does not change the .Enabled status of the Paste button and Ctrl+V did not work. If I use:
IEGlobalSettings().KeyboardShortcuts[ iesCut ] := 0; and set Ctrl+X as the hotkey of my menu option, then Ctrl+V does work.


File Explorer can use Ctrl+X to cut a folder in the tree panel and paste it into another folder either in the tree panel or the file panel. Can IEFolderTree1 do that too?

I just noticed that IEFolderMView.MouseWheelParams.Value is available to control the mouse wheel, but there seems to be no matching feature for IEFolderTree. The mouse wheel is quite rambunctious in the folder tree.

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38790 Posts

Posted - Oct 18 2021 :  18:31:03  Show Profile  Reply

> Will IEFolderMView wrap file name if it is only icon + file name? Detail view? File Explorer seems to wrap at least 2 lines, depending on icon size. It would be nice if this were possible.

At present it just truncates. We'll consider wrapping for a future version.

> PDFium : Can you add extracting selected pages into a new file?

I've added this to the to-do list. Probably for next release.

> WindowsSelectDirectory: does not refresh the dialog to show the selected folder. You have to scroll to find the selected folder.

That appears to be a Windows issue.

> Is there any way to provide my own right click menu?

Sure, just use TImageEnFolderMView.PopupMenu

> There doesn't seem to be an ImageEn right click menu.

Why not use:

> I found nothing in the help file for: IEFolderMView.ShowTextEditor which is the code for Rename button.

In the current beta, you can use a RenameFile overload to prompt to rename the current file.

> If I use imbImageRotate in FolderMViewSelectionPopupMenu, it does not refresh the view of file, if Preview is turned on.

In the current beta, the TImageEnView will be updated if it is attached to the TImageEnMView, i.e. IEFolderMView.AttachedImageEnView := ImageEnView1

> Ctrl+X does not change the .Enabled status of the Paste button and Ctrl+V did not work. If I use:

I cannot reproduce that. In the Explorer demo, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V work as expected

> File Explorer can use Ctrl+X to cut a folder in the tree panel and paste it into another folder either in the tree panel or the file panel. Can IEFolderTree1 do that too?

No, but I will add it to the to-do list.

> TIEFolderTree: The mouse wheel is quite rambunctious in the folder tree.

Wheel scrolling cannot be customized in TIEFolderTree, but I have made it a lot smoother for the current beta.

You can email me to test the latest beta.

Xequte Software
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38790 Posts

Posted - Oct 22 2021 :  01:04:32  Show Profile  Reply
FYI, exporting has been implemented in the latest beta.

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - Oct 22 2021 :  09:59:49  Show Profile  Reply
It sounds like some nice improvements are coming soon. Thank you!

I think you may have misunderstood my question:

If I am renaming a file, the system right click menu is available but not very useful. Is there any way to provide my own right click menu? There doesn't seem to be an ImageEn right click menu.

I found nothing in the help file for: IEFolderMView.ShowTextEditor which is the code for Rename button.

If I am in the ShowTextEditor, actively trying to rename a file, the system menu is not very useful. None of the possible ImageEn popup menus seem to apply and I don't know how to connect my own menu to this editor.

It doesn't surprise me that you are unable to recreate my problems with Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V. I find a very weird symptom in my program which I can't duplicate in the demo. I have implemented the exact code you use for your cut/paste buttons but put it in a TMainMenu item. Your button cuts and pastes, the identical code attached to a menu copies and pastes. If I just call your code from the menu, same thing happens! The next time I have time to work on that, I hope to finalize a work around. And I thought computers were supposed to be logical!

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38790 Posts

Posted - Oct 24 2021 :  23:57:02  Show Profile  Reply
Oh, I see. That's the standard TEdit popup menu. ImageEn does not customize that.

ShowTextEditor is an internal function so it is not documented. In the next release you use the new RenameFile overload instead.

Xequte Software
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38790 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2021 :  00:38:34  Show Profile  Reply
Keyboard shortcut support for TIEFolderTree has been added in the current release.

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2021 :  20:13:05  Show Profile  Reply
I very much appreciate the effort you are putting in to improve this feature.

I've finally been able to return to this project for a few days. One thing has jumped out that is very strange indeed.

You may recall that I have three screens, screen 1 is the laptop. Screen 2 is landscape mode, above screen 1. Screen 3 is portrait mode, to the right of screen 1.

I have confirmed this behavior in my program and in the demo program: ExplorerDemo (I turned on system menus)

If the program is running on screen 1 or 3, the right click menus work as expected in the tree panel and the file panel.
If the program is running on screen 2, the right click menu for the tree panel does not work. I can drag the program to a different screen and the right click menu immediately works.

I have just disconnected all monitors and rebooted, then connected a single USB monitor. If I orient it above or to the left of screen 1, the tree panel right click menu fails. If I orient it below or to the right of screen 1, the right click menu works.

To me this is rather bizarre behavior. I sure hope something jumps out at you to fix this! I wonder if it has anything to do with High DPI? I'm using Per Monitor v2, in D10.3 and ImageEn 10.2.0

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38790 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2021 :  18:03:37  Show Profile  Reply

We have a fix for this popup menu issue in the current beta.

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2021 :  10:35:30  Show Profile  Reply
I've finally returned to this project and found another issue. The demo doesn't use PDFium so I'm relying on my testing.

When I turn on PDFium, I set the following:
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ShowAllPages := true;
IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewingToolbar.Buttons := [];
IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewingToolbar.Buttons := [ ivbImageSeek, ivbImagePrint, ivbImageZoom , ivbMouseZoomAndScroll, ivbImageClipboard, ivbMouseSelect , ivbImageEditRotate] ;
ImageEnView1.AutoToolbars := [ ievPdfViewing ];

With ShowAllPages = true, the selection option only works on text in a PDF with readable text, allowing copying the text to the clipboard. It doesn't allow selecting parts of the image. In an image based PDF it does nothing.

With ShowAllPages = false, the selection option works on image based PDF, allowing selecting and copying parts of the image. This is also true for a PDF with readable text so the readable text can't be copied to clipboard.

I don't understand why image selection wouldn't be valid for the ShowAllPages=true option with image base PDFs? Nor do I understand why text can't be selected when in single page mode for a PDF with readable text. Is this intended behavior or do we need separate options on this popup menu for readable text and images?

The Zoom To Selection option seems to do nothing in either ShowAllPages = true or false

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38790 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2021 :  15:22:30  Show Profile  Reply

Have you set:

ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miPdfSelectText, miPdfSelectRgn ];

However miPdfSelectRgn is not supported if ShowAllPages = True.

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - Dec 06 2021 :  20:22:12  Show Profile  Reply
As you can imagine, you have so many settings and options that I forgot MouseInteractGeneral. The Help file says your settings are the default for PDFium, but I'm guessing they aren't set each time PDFium is activated, after other settings have been used for regular ImageEn? I now turn it on whenever I activate PDFium and it has improved the situation somewhat.

How can I programmatically detect the difference between a fill-in-the blank PDF form and use PDFium, vs image PDF and use ImageEn? I would like to know when to use PDFium and set AllowFormEditing := True; or use ImageEn to view the PDF as images and use text layers to fill in a form that was just scanned or printed to PDF.

      ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Enabled := false;
      ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ShowAllPages := false;
      ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.AllowFormEditing := false;

      ImageEnView1.Background := clWhite; 

      IEGlobalSettings().ImageEditingToolbar.Buttons := [ivbImageZoom, ivbImageClipboard, ivbImageEditRotate, ivbImageEditFlip, ivbImageEditUndo, ivbImageEditOther, ivbImageSeek, ivbImageSave,ivbMouseSelect, ivbImagePrint]  - [ ivbImageOpen, ivbImageSave ];
      IEGlobalSettings().ImageViewingToolbar.Position := iepAbove; //iepTop; //

      IEGlobalSettings().ImageViewingToolbar.Buttons := [];
      IEGlobalSettings().ImageViewingToolbar.Buttons := [ivbImageClipboard,    ivbImageSeek, ivbImagePrint, ivbImageZoom ];    //ivbImageZoom did not work.
      IEGlobalSettings().ImageSelectionToolbar.Buttons := [ ivbImageClipboard, ivbImageEditOther ];     //ivbMouseSelect puts selection options on wrong toolbar
      IEGlobalSettings().ImageSelectionToolbar.Position := iepBelowSelection; //iepAbove; //iepBelowSelection;
      ImageEnView1.AutoToolbars := [ ievViewing, ievSelection, ievEditing];     //, ievEditing
      ImageEnView1.ShowButtons := [  ];    //also needed to block buttons
      ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miSelectZoom ];

This is my setup for viewing JPG and TIF, etc with normal ImageEn. Notes on various selection options from the above toolbar:

Rectangular Select: Click in blank space, outside the selection, or Esc clears selection and restore full toolbar.
Circular Select: Click in blank space, outside the selection, clears selection and restore full toolbar. Esc does nothing.
Lasso Select: same as Circular Select
Polygon Select: Esc does nothing. Click in blank space clears selection but does not stop selecting or restore full toolbar. Click outside the selection does stop selecting and restores full toolbar.

Select by Color: ESc and clicking in blank space do nothing. Clicking outside the selection just selects different color. The only way to cancel is to change image files.

        ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ShowAllPages := false;

        IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewingToolbar.Buttons := [];
        IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewingToolbar.Buttons := [ ivbImageSeek, ivbImagePrint, ivbImageZoom ,  ivbMouseZoomAndScroll, ivbImageClipboard, ivbMouseSelect , ivbImageEditRotate] ;
//     ivbImageEditOther doesn't work, pending bug fix from NZ

        ImageEnView1.AutoToolbars := [ ievPdfViewing ];  //ievPdfViewing,   , ievSelection  ievEditing
        ImageEnView1.Background := clAqua;

        ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Options := ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Options - [iepoAutoButtons];   

        ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miPdfSelectText, miPdfSelectRgn, miMovingScroll , miZoom];

        ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.AllowFormEditing := true;

        IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewingToolbar.Position := iepAbove; 

This is my setup for viewing PDFs via PDFium. Notes on various selection options from the above toolbar:

with AllowFormEditing = true: (ShowAllPages := false)
Zoom to Selection does not seem to work.
For fill-in-the-blank PDFs, Select Text and Images, clipboard hotkeys did work on the image. Also on the typed in text.
Rectangular Select, clipboard hot keys did not work.
Circular Select, same
Polygon Select: Completing the selection does not yield the selection toolbar. Clicking outside the selection did not cancel the selection, nor did clicking in a blank spot.

For image PDFs, same lack of standard behavior.

with AllowFormEditing = false:
Zoom to Selection does work
For fill-in-the-blank PDFs, Select Text and Images: It selects form text, not filled in text which seems reasonable. Esc key did not cancel selection, clicking outside selection or in blank spot did. Hotkeys did work with clipboard.

Rectangular Select: Canceling with Esc changed to Zoom to Selection. Clicking outside selection or in blank spot cleared selection w/o changing to Zoom to Selection. Hotkeys did not work with clipboard.

circular select: Esc did nothing. Clicking outside selection or in blank spot cleared selection w/o changing to Zoom to Selection. Hotkeys did not work with clipboard.

Polygon Select: Completing the selection does not yield the selection toolbar. Clicking outside the selection did cancel the selection, as did clicking in a blank spot. But that just anchored a new selection. Only Deselect turned off the selection. Hotkeys did not work with clipboard.

Lasso Select: Completing the selection does not yield the selection toolbar. Clicking outside the selection did cancel the selection, as did clicking in a blank spot. Hotkeys did not work with clipboard.


I hope it is possible to make the behavior of these toolbars more consistent. I'm particularly fond of using clipboard hotkeys which seems to be variable. I thought the Esc key was a standard way of canceling things, but that too is variable.

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38790 Posts

Posted - Dec 10 2021 :  00:32:00  Show Profile  Reply

In the next release you can detect if the document (not just the current page, unfortunately) contains a form using:

b := ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ContainsForm;

Xequte Software
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268 Posts

Posted - Dec 19 2021 :  21:01:01  Show Profile  Reply
I haven't finished working through all of your improvements for 10.3, but so far they seem very nice. Thank you for all the work!

I'm afraid I have gathered a few more questions using the 10.3 demo:

If I drag a file from a folder in the right panel to a folder in tree panel, it is copied as expected. However the selected folder after this drag in the tree panel is neither the source folder nor the target folder. It seems to jump to another folder. Very disconcerting! It made me think I had accidentally dropped the file on the wrong folder.

Is it possible to drag a file to another folder and hi-lite that folder, like File Explorer does, to give the user feedback that they have successfully selected the correct folder? Currently it shows a drag icon without showing the selection of the target folder.

Can I make a File Manager layout that is file name only? No icon? Actually I guess it would be nice to have any of the other file data, but without the icon. If I'm previewing files, the icon just takes precious screen space and makes it harder to read the file name.

With 10.3 you added Exporting of PDF pages to file. I see the help file now shows how to programmatically export PDF pages. But it does not mention how to get this to appear on the popup toolbar? (ExportPages is in help, but no constant to control toolbar)

Problem deleting folders. Create 3 folders under one folder. I select the target folder in the left panel then use the New Folder icon, three times. I can delete individual folders via the right panel but if I select all 3 folders, the program hangs after displaying a progress dialog. I'm wondering if this is being blocked by either Norton or Windows Security or there is a bug? I get no warning messages from Norton or Windows Security. The folders are gone after the program restarts, so maybe there is an issue with refreshing the display after the deletion?

When you attempt to type in an invalid character when renaming files in File Explorer, it beeps. The above screen shot shows what happens with the File Explorer demo after pressing enter to complete the file name change. These error messages are very confusing for a user. I am going to make an interim fix by using a popup form with a TAdvEdit field by TMS. It will allow me to specify invalid characters though I don't know yet if it beeps. Is that something you can fix or perhaps allow me to substitute my own code. I've tried several current events and none seemed to work for this situation. Menu options can call my own code but I'd like to take the editing in the file name box and validate it also. For now, ReadOnly = true. One advantage of using my own code is I can use my own right click menus so I can control their font size along with the rest of my user interface.

I finally noticed the help file for OnEditText:
if ( pos( ':', Text ) > 0 ) or ( pos( '\', Text ) > 0 ) then
Allow := False;
MessageBeep(MB_ICONERROR); //( MB_ERROR );
MB_Error did not compile. In any case the beep doesn't happen until pressing enter to finish editing, so the error could have happened anywhere the user edited, not the current keystroke as File Explorer does.

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268 Posts

Posted - Dec 22 2021 :  20:01:44  Show Profile  Reply
I'm wondering if something has gone wrong. I have split the screen between your explorer demo and Windows File Explorer. I can drag and drop for copy or move between them, as expected. I can cut and paste files between them. I can copy from File Explorer and paste to the demo, but the CopySelectedFilesToClipboard does not appear to work. It won't work copying to File Explorer or copying to another folder within the demo.

The source and target folders/files are normal folders and files, not device folders.

CopySelectedFilesToFolder does appear to work as expected.

CanPasteFilesFromClipboard returns true, but then PasteFilesFromClipboard fails even though it succeeds when File Explorer puts the files on the clipboard.

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38790 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2021 :  21:02:16  Show Profile  Reply

I've made TImageEnFolderMView block illegal characters when renaming.

We have fixed an issue with TImageEnFolderMView.CopySelectedFilesToClipboard().

I cannot reprodue the deletion issue. Can you give me more detail? Does it only happen when running under the IDE?

Please start new threads when posting about different technical issues, as it makes it easier for us to track them.

Xequte Software
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