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 Snap To Grid feature for vector elements
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17 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2021 :  05:05:39  Show Profile  Reply
Hello Together

I hope someone of you can help me. I need a "SnapToGrid" function for all ImageEn vector elements.
The questions would be:

1. How can I create a defined grid (configurable X and Y points)?
2. How can the vector objects that are created be snapped to this grid points?

Has anyone here done anything before with ImageEn? It would be very helpful if there was a demo application or at least a code snippet for this. Maybe Nigel can add something here in the very near future, as I can imagine it would be interesting for others as well.

Thanks for your help in advance!


38796 Posts

Posted - Sep 25 2021 :  00:47:17  Show Profile  Reply

Is this for TImageEnView layers or TImageEnVect objects?

Xequte Software
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17 Posts

Posted - Sep 25 2021 :  01:50:14  Show Profile  Reply
Hello Nigel

I think since the component TImageEnVect is legacy I better use the TImageEnView with the layer technique right? So we are talking about the TImageEnView in this case.

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38796 Posts

Posted - Sep 29 2021 :  01:32:06  Show Profile  Reply

You can do this in the current beta using:

// Draw a virtual grid of 20x20 pixels to make it easier to position and align layers
ImageEnView1.LayerOptions    := ImageEnView1.LayerOptions + [ loSnapToPos ];
ImageEnView1.DoubleBuffered  := True;    // Improve draw performance
ImageEnView1.DisplayGridKind := iedgSnapPoints;
ImageEnView1.LayersSnapDist  := 20;

Please email me to test this.

Xequte Software
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17 Posts

Posted - Sep 29 2021 :  03:01:22  Show Profile  Reply
Hello Nigel

Do you mean by "current" beta which you had already emailed me? If so, these extensions are unfortunately not yet included in my version (1021 Beta 928).

Another idea for the "SnapTo" function would be if it could snap to existing shape layers. For example, the current selection rectangle snaps to the outer box via "SnapDist" of a neighboring shape layer, so it would be possible to quickly align elements with each other. Ideally in width, height and position.

Is it already possible in the current version 10.2.0 to automatically jump to the Grips/Guideline elements defined in the Ruler?

If there is a new version, could you send it to me at the same email address as the last one? BTW I had also sent you yesterday by e-mail a customized "AddSpots" demo application with some test cases and questions.
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38796 Posts

Posted - Sep 29 2021 :  21:35:30  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Kai,

Please email me for an updated beta that includes the functionality. We will consider snapping to align with other objects for a future version.

I've not had time to look at your application, I'm afraid.

Xequte Software
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