I have the following problem with the right and left ruler. If the layer 0 (background) does not fit completely into the view area and if I move the vertical scrollbar, the ruler does not move its value lables and they just remain static.
On the other hand, when I move the horizontal scrollbar, the values of the upper and lower ruler are always correct depending on the position. Have I possibly overlooked a setting here?
My goal is that the zero point is at the bottom left.
Here is my code snippet:
ImageEnView.MouseInteractGeneral := [miMeasureLength];
ImageEnView.RulerParams.HorzPos := gdDown;
ImageEnView.RulerParams.VertPos := gdLeft;
ImageEnView.RulerParams.VertInverted := True;
ImageEnView.RulerParams.DisplayNegativeValues := ienvDisabled;
ImageEnView.RulerParams.Units := ieuCentimeters;
ImageEnView.Layers[0].Width := 1460;
ImageEnView.Layers[0].Height := 924;
ImageEnView.Layers[0].FillColor := clGray;
ImageEnView.Layers[0].BorderColor := clRed;
ImageEnView.Layers[0].BorderWidth := 3;
ImageEnView.SetScale(1, 1, ieuMillimeters);
IEGlobalSettings().GridPen.Color := clNone;
IEGlobalSettings().GridPen.Style := psDot;
IEGlobalSettings().GridPen.Mode := pmCopy;
IEGlobalSettings().DefaultMeasureUnit := ieuMillimeters;
ImageEnView.ShowRulers := [rdHorizontal, rdVertical];
ImageEnView.RulerParams.ConstrainGrips := true;
Thanks for your quick help in advance!