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 A few questions about vector shapes
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17 Posts

Posted - Sep 27 2021 :  06:22:54  Show Profile  Reply

The questions refer to TImageEnView with layer technique, if it would go alternatively with TImageEnVect, please gladly also note.

1. How is it possible to query or manipulate the properties of a particular type of vector shape, e.g. for an "iesEllipse" the center coordinates and its arc information?
2. Is it possible to convert pixel coordinates with an auxiliary function directly into the units of measurement displayed according to ruler? (e.g. pixel coordinates to cm or mm etc.).
3. Can also standard vector shapes be joined, so that actually custom vector shapes arise from it?
4. Can EMF, WMF and/or SVG files also be imported and used as scalable and manipulable vector shapes?

Thanks a lot in advance!


38798 Posts

Posted - Sep 27 2021 :  20:28:59  Show Profile  Reply

1. You would need to calculate this from the PosX, PosY, Width and Height properties

2. You can use IEConvertToUnits:

3. All standard shapes are joined. They cannot be unjoined

4. Please see the demo:


Note: SVG loading requires the ImageMagick plug-in:

Xequte Software
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