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 IEvolution .NET (v8.0.0.0) IEViewer control
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67 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2021 :  07:18:28  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Nigel,

I have some comments and questions about the .NET IEView controller.

1. the IEView control's ObjGripShape property does not work, it does not set the shape of the handle points to circle (IEGripShape.Circle) type, it practically always stays rectangle type (IEGripShape.Box).

Is it possible to adjust the size of the toothpoints and the color of the toothpoints, this would be good because on smaller images the scaling could be better used with the toothpoints. I know that you can turn on the magnification and with that you can scale small images well while keeping the proportions. But there are cases where this magnification is disabled, e.g. because the whole background image is visible, in which case it would be important.

2. In the IEView control, do the SelectObject and ObjectOver events only work for annotations? Not for layers?




38790 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2021 :  16:32:31  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Deeron

Sorry, IEViewer can be a little confusing because it includes the older Object functionality, as well as the new IELayer code.

To set the grip style for layers, please use SetLayersGripStyle():

Do you mean the layer grips when you refer to toothpoints?

For layer events you should use LayerNotify:

It covers these actions:

Selected (0): User selected the layer
Moved (1): User moved the layer
Resized (2): User resized the layer
Moving (3): User is moving the layer
Resizing (4): User is resizing the layer
Rotating (5): User is rotating the layer
Rotated (6): User rotated the layer
Begin Resizing (7): User began to resize the layer (click down)
Begin Moving (8): User began to move the layer (click down)

Xequte Software
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67 Posts

Posted - Nov 13 2021 :  05:56:50  Show Profile  Reply
Hi, Nigel,

Yes, I was confused by the old object functionality.

"Do you mean the layer grips when you refer to toothpoints?"

Yes. Sorry, the word "toothpoint" is not the best word in this context. :)
So, yes, I was referring to the grips (which allow the user to scale the layer)

And yes, that's what I wanted: SetLayersGripStyle()
Thank you very much for your help!

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