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44 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2022 :  12:36:16  Show Profile  Reply
for some reson I cannot reproduce nr. 1 anymore. I will let you know if it comes up again.
Also, I have sent you an email with some of the problems I'm facing.
Could you please help me out?
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38789 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2022 :  23:45:01  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Lorenzo

I've responded to your message.

Please remember that if you want to load images (or PDF files as images) you need to disable the PDF Viewer:

ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Enabled := False;

Xequte Software
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44 Posts

Posted - Feb 11 2022 :  03:37:47  Show Profile  Reply
thank you for writing back and sorry about answering on the mail, I'm replying here what we talked on the mail:

1. Why do you say the barcodes you read are correct?
the first one is 22030005 the second is 220300059960. First one is trimmed, they are the same barcode. Using another library are
read correctly.
Is there something you can do to optimize reading? I don't know, applying some filter before reading? I really need this to be reliable

2. Regarding the idea of applying a filter before reading the barcode what do you think abou this approach?
Let's say I would like to apply 3 filters before reading the barcode (to help it reading) but I want to save the original page,
could this be a correct way of doing it (I'm referring to undo)?

for pageNumber := 0 to totalPages -1 
       .. load the page
       .. apply some filters
       .. read barcodes..
       .. append bitmap to imageenMview
   .. save imageenMview to file

thank you

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38789 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2022 :  00:17:03  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Lorenzo

1. Sorry, I only checked that the bar codes were read, not their validity.

It is on our to-do list to use a different bar code engine. Our present one has some accuracy issues. In the meantime, you should use a higher resolution source image.

2. If you want to apply a filter to a bar code image before scanning it (and I've not heard of this being effective), you should just apply the filter to a temporary bitmap and then discard it.

Xequte Software
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44 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2022 :  01:42:42  Show Profile  Reply
1. I have tried DTK which has many options and it works great. Also you can apply some filters and sometimes they made a difference.

2. Isn't that what i do? I discard all the changes. If not, could you explain me why it's wrong?

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38789 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2022 :  18:05:44  Show Profile  Reply

Saving an undo and then reverting it is fine. There is some cost to it of course, anther image is stored in memory and it takes some time to revert (Undo). So you would only do it that way if you needed the original image afterwards. As the image is stored in the TImageEnMView, I can't see why you need the original image restored in your TImageEnView, but I don't know your whole process, so you may have a valid reason.

Xequte Software
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44 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2022 :  18:23:26  Show Profile  Reply
I add the image to the mview only if it passes some at that moment I don't have it there yet. But you're right i might try something else.
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38789 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2022 :  19:50:40  Show Profile  Reply
No, it's probably fine.

Let's say you have an image in TImageEnView that you want to modify and then revert. Options are:

1. Save Undo > Modify > Undo


2. Assign to Temp > Modify > Free

Both will create a second image in memory. Option 1 does twice as much work (excluding the modify). However there are other factors that make it not so clean cut, code readability, for e.g., Option 2 requires creating a temp bitmap and/or a temp TImageEnProc, so the code won't be quite as tidy.

Xequte Software
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44 Posts

Posted - Feb 14 2022 :  03:21:51  Show Profile  Reply
ok thanks for the explanation.
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