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 IEvolution .NET Image & shape rotate
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67 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2022 :  11:42:57  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Nigel,

I would like to ask for some help. I have two questions about the rotation of the image.

1. How can I use anti-aliasing on the rotated image, after rotation the image is pixelated around the image, it's not pretty. Turning on AntiAliasing has no effect. The rotations are handled by IEViewer (EnableRotateLayers is enabled). What can I do?

2. When I rotate the image, the dashed line selection box with the grip points rotates with it. When I rotate a rectangle shape it rotates within the selection box. How can I rotate the shape like the picture? Can I set whether the rotation should be with the selection box or inside the selection box?

I have attached a picture.




38790 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2022 :  15:05:25  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Deeron

1. Please use LayersFixRotations:

2. That is a limitation due to the difference in handling of image and shape layers.

Xequte Software
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67 Posts

Posted - Jan 21 2022 :  06:56:23  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Nigel,

Unfortunately, for the my problem described in point 1, the LayersFixRotations you suggested didn't work, the rotated image the same pixelated, which is really ugly.

The help says in the rotation section:
"When rotations are handled by IEViewer (setting EnableRotateLayers), you don't need to call LayersFixRotations, LayersFixSizes and LayersFixBorders."
Currently the EnableRotateLayers property is on, value is true.
However, you suggested that I use the LayersFixRotations method.
The help says in the LayersFixRotations section:
"This method call IEImage.LayersFixSizes for each layer to rotate."

Why do I need to call the LayersFixRotations method when it calls the LayersFixSizes method, but according to the help this method does not need to be called if the EnableRotateLayers property is enabled because it is already called automatically. I don't understand this now.

The method you suggested did not lead to results. How can I ensure that the image is not pixelated after rotate? Any other solution, suggestion?

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38790 Posts

Posted - Jan 23 2022 :  23:33:10  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Deeron

What is your LayersRotatationFilter:

Also if sized, ResampleFilter (if you have enabled UseResampleFilter):

Xequte Software
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67 Posts

Posted - Jan 24 2022 :  07:12:48  Show Profile  Reply
"What is your LayersRotatationFilter"

Ohh... :(
This property was not set. This is exactly what I need. If I hadn't gotten help from you, I'm not sure I would have found this property.
Thanks for your help, it's fine now.

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