Hello Nigel,
Before and after rotation the IEViewer.BackColor is ARGB=(255, 240, 240, 240).
Moreover, it's not even black. I do not set the BackColor property at code level.
If I change the BackColor property to Color.Empty, it doesn't help. :(
I have also tried the following:
IEViewer.Image.Rotate(angle, antialias, AntialiasMode.Bilinear, new IERGB(Color.Transparent));
IEViewer.Image.Rotate(angle, antialias, AntialiasMode.Bilinear, new IERGB(Color.Empty));
Unfortunately, here Color.Transparent value resulted in a white background color and the Color.Empty value resulted in a black background.
Unfortunately, these did not lead to any results. :(