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Ken Randall

56 Posts

Posted - May 24 2022 :  20:50:43  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Nigel,

I want to create a collection of several hundred faces with different hats, eyes, mouth, etc.

What's my best starting point?



Ken R


38790 Posts

Posted - May 24 2022 :  21:37:50  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Ken

If I was doing it:

- Create folders containing assets, Eyes folder, Hats folder, etc.
- Assets are transparent images, e.g. PNG files, or vector shapes like SVG, WMF, etc.
- Record the position information for each object, e.g. TallHat.png needs to be positioned at (10,20), Beret.png needs to be positioned at (10,50), etc. I would probably do it by having an information file of the same name, e.g. TallHat.png would have TallHat.ini, etc.
- Your application would then just randomly choose one asset from each folder and build up an image, drawing using a method like:

Xequte Software
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Ken Randall

56 Posts

Posted - May 25 2022 :  04:06:33  Show Profile  Reply
Thanks Nigel. My first thought was to go with layers.

Ken R
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38790 Posts

Posted - May 25 2022 :  17:04:39  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Ken

In general, I would say that layers are for end-users rather than programmatic usage. Almost everything that can be done with layers in code, can also be done without them, so they add unnecessary abstraction (reduced performance, more complexity and potentially more bugs). There are some situations where using layers in code has benefits, but if everything you need done can be done with bitmaps, then stick with that.

Xequte Software
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