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 Extending the non-image area
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108 Posts

Posted - Jun 28 2022 :  22:31:40  Show Profile  Reply
In some DICOM viewers, it's possible to pan an image outside of its boundaries. For e.g. in ImageEn, you can pan an image within its original dimensions e.g.

Is it possible to pan an image beyond its original dimensions e.g.

A couple of options come to mind e.g.
- place the imageen control within a panel, and when the user 'pans' the image, we actually move the imageen control around in the panel instead. However, when the ruler and grid lines are activated, the horizontal and vertical axis may not be visible if the top left of the image is currently not visible e.g.

- extend the canvas size of the original image. However, as we would allow users to edit the image, add annotations etc, and be expected to export the image in its original dimensions, we need to keep track of how many pixels we added to the original image. The zoom values would also need to be adjusted when displayed, and we would need to calculate values for the FitWidth, FitWindow etc functions manually.

So I was just wondering if ImageEn already has an option to customize the display as described above, or do you have any suggestions on how to implement such a feature?

Thank you in advance.



38790 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2022 :  00:24:14  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Ray

I'm afraid there is no way to do this with ImageEn at this time. The best method at present would be to resize the image:

Then before saving call resize again with negative values.

Of course, there are risks to this method, such as the user adding content to the "non-Image" area, so you would need special handling in that case.

Xequte Software
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108 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2022 :  00:39:10  Show Profile  Reply
Noted, thanks

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