I'm switching from another component to your and I'm having some problems with the quality of the image.
I am reading a TIF, splitting it, and then saving to PDF.
The PDF I receive is blurried compared to the other components and I would like to understand if I can change something.
In both cases I resize the image to 1280 and I change the colors to 256, no filters applied.
Just to test it, I also tried saving back to TIF instead than PDF to see what happens but still it's worse.
The most important parts of the code I use are these:
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns([ iepiPDFium ]);
IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewerDefaults.DPI := 144;
bmp := iev_IN.IEBitmap;
idx := iemv_OUT.AppendImage;
iemv_OUT.SetImage(idx, bmp);
iemv_OUT.MIO.Params[0].PDF_Compression := TIOPDFCompression.ioPDF_JPEG;
iemv_OUT.MIO.Params[0].PDF_PaperSize := TIOPDFPaperSize.iepA4;
iemv_OUT.MIO.Params[0].PDF_PaperLayout := TIEPageLayout.ielPortrait;
iemv_OUT.MIO.Params[0].PDF_ImageOptions := [iepioShrinkOnly, iepioCentered];
iemv_OUT.MIO.Params[0].TIFF_Compression := TIOTIFFCompression.ioTIFF_JPEG;
then I save, in case of tif:
iemv_OUT.MIO.SaveToFile('c:\temp\a.tif', 0, true)
and in case of pdf:
iemv_OUT.MIO.SaveToFile('c:\temp\a.pdf', 0, true)
As there is some sensible data I'm sending you an email with the files.
Could you help me?