Using 11.2
Version 11.4.0
I have it set to be blacked out
But when I run , you can see a black border but rest is now white.
been fiddling with properties ...
object imgUserProfile: TImageEnView
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 185
Height = 149
DesignTimeView = dvBlank
Background = clBlack
GradientEndColor = clBlack
BackgroundColor2 = clBlack
MouseWheelParams.Action = iemwNone
ScrollBars = ssNone
SelectionOptions = []
BackgroundOuter = clBlack
EnableAlphaChannel = False
AutoStretch = True
AutoShrink = True
DragCursor = crHandPoint
EnableInteractionHints = False
PlayLoop = False
AsyncLoading = True
AutoCursors = False
TabOrder = 0