I'd like to resize imageEnView object using mouse interaction like the interaction for rotate operation (MouseInteractGeneral miRotateTool). How can I do it? S. Kowalski
There is not a tool to do that, but if you treat it as an image Layer (MouseInteractLayers=[mlResizeLayers]) then you can size it (just ensure that ImageEnView.Layers[0].Locked = False).
thanks for the advice. In my project the MouseInteractLayers=[mlResizeLayers] works ok, but MouseInteractLayers=[mlRotateLayers] doesn't. So when I need to rotate the bitmap I use MouseInteractGeneral miRotateTool and it is ok. I have one more question. How can I get in my Delphi code the Angle I have rotated the image? I want to write this angle in the database.
Hi but it's not so easy with Resize This is what I want do do: I try to resize (and rotate) TBitmap using ImageEnView component. The source and resulting object for me is TBitmap it looks like this
imageen.Bitmap.Assign(myBitmap); ... changes size, angle in imageen.view ... myBitmap.Assign(imageen.Bitmap)
myBitmap has the imageen rotation angle. but it has not the resized height and width
When you resize layers, it does not size the underlying image (by default). In case they are need to be sized again later. You need to enact the sizing: