Please look at this test project:
76.52 KB
0. In FormCreate, AutoUndo is set:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ImageEnView1.Proc.UndoLimit := 99;
ImageEnView1.Proc.AutoUndo := True;
1. Load an image file
2. Change the image with the Colors button
3. Change the image with the Edit button
4. Click the Undo button TWICE: Only the last edit action is undone!
Shouldn't clicking the Undo button TWICE undo the LAST TWO image changes? How can this be achieved?
The demos do not have an example with ImageEnView1.Proc.AutoUndo := True;
The documentation says:
When true, all image processing and load operations will automatically call SaveUndo"
ImageEnVersion: 13.0.0