I recently replaced my old image editor with ImageEn. Very happy with ImageEn, but there are a few features I'm still struggling with. One is AutoCrop.
I'm using this call: TImageEnView.Proc.AutoCrop2
But I'm not getting very good results. In the attached, zip file I have two before and two after auto crop files. The after auto crop files are what was produced with my old image editor's auto crop feature.
Is there something else I can use in ImageEn that gets me closer to those?
It worked well with your HRM form. The business card has two borders, so requires two passes. The "white" is easily removed. The gray around the card is harder because there are a lor of different colors within it so the tolerance needs to be adjusted.
The current beta allows you to specify clNone as the remove color and it will detect the average color from the border. You can email me for that if you like.