The CropToolInteraction type exposes the following properties.





 XNA Framework Only

 .NET Compact Framework Only

True: The user can move the crop selection by clicking within the selection area
True: The user can resize the crop selection by dragging the corner or side grips
True: The user can rotate the crop selection by dragging outside the corner grips
Specifies the quality of a rotated crop. Default: Fast
Displays guide lines on the horizontal and vertical thirds of the crop selection.

Allows the crop selection to be locked to a specific ratio, e.g. 0.75 for a 4:3 image or 1.77 for a 16:9 image

If LockAspectRatio is -1, the aspect ratio is only locked when the user presses the ALT key

If LockAspectRatio is >0, ImageEn locks the selection to the specified aspect ratio

Note: By default, when dragging the side grips the aspect ratio is not enforced. Set SideGripsRespectLocks = true to force all grips to respect the ratio


Allows the height of the crop selection to be locked to a specific size. e.g. 200 pixels high.


- Values refer to bitmap pixels, not a screen dimension

- Can be used independently of LockWidth

- if SizeLocksAreMinimums is True, then this value is a minimum only

- Has no effect if SelectionAspectRatio > 0 (unless SizeLocksAreMinimums is set)


Allows the width of the crop selection to be locked to a specific size. e.g. 200 pixels wide.


- Values refer to bitmap pixels, not a screen dimension

- Can be used independently of LockHeight

- if SizeLocksAreMinimums is True, then this value is a minimum only

- Has no effect if SelectionAspectRatio > 0 (unless SizeLocksAreMinimums is set)

Specifies the shape of cropping area.
Returns true if a selection is active.
Determines whether the specified aspect ratio lock is enforced when dragging the side, top and bottom grips. If this property is not set then only the corner grips will respect the lock
If included, then the specified LockWidth or LockHeight are treated as minimum values, i.e. the user can make the selection larger than the specified values, but not smaller

See Also