The output format for SaveAsText method.
Namespace: HiComponents.IEvolutionAssembly: IEvolution2 (in IEvolution2.dll) Version:
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
public enum IETextFileFormat
Public Enumeration IETextFileFormat
public enum class IETextFileFormat
Member | Value | Description |
Pascal | 0 | In this case the format is like: ![]() const 'FileName_Extension_Size' = nnnn; 'FileName_Extension' : array [0..'FileName_Extension_Size'-1] of byte = ( $xx,$xx ); This is useful when you want embed the image inside a .pas file. |
HEX | 1 | Saves the image as a sequence of hex values. Example: 0xaa,0xbb,etc... |
Base64 | 2 | Saves the image encoded with base 64 (the base of Mime64). Example: /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/2wBDAAYEBQYF.... |
ASCIIArt | 3 | Saves the image as an ascii art. We suggest to subsample the image before save as ascii art. ImageFormat field must be "Unknown". |