IEViewer component is main component of the IEvolution component suite.
IEViewer contains a IEImage object that allows the application to load and save single images (BMP,PCX,TIFF,JPEG...), performs image processing, capture video, acquires image from scanner and write objects over the image.
IEMulti component is the same as IEViewer, but it can handle multiple images.
IEMulti can display images in rows, in columns, in a grid or in a single frame and contains a IEImageList object.
The images can be animated: if you choose to show a single frame, you can view an animated sequence (as a Gif or an AVI). Each image has assigned a delay time.
The images can be stored fully, as thumbnails (a sub-resampled image of the original), or loaded when displayed (you have to specify only the file name), or upon request (whenever an image is to be shown, an event is generated).
If you choose, the user can select an image: selected images will have a bordered frame.
You can also specify a custom function whenever an image is shown (i.e., to paint the image index near the image).