function GetOpenSaveDialogFilter(IsSaveDialog: Boolean;
ShowFormats : TIEShowFormats = iesfImagesOnly;
LimitToType : TIOFileType = -1;
ExtendedFilters: string = '';
TruncExtCount: Integer = 0) : string;
Returns a filter that can be used for open and save dialogs.
Result will be something like: 'JPEG Files|*.jpeg;*.jpg|GIF Files|*.gif|All Images|*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.gif...|All Files|*.*'
Parameter | Description |
IsSaveDialog | If False, "All Images" and "All Files" items are included |
ShowFormats | Limits the file types listed in the filter, as well determining which formats are included in the "All Image Files" filter |
LimitToType | Limit the filter to a specific image format |
ExtendedFilters | Specify additional file formats to include, e.g. 'Fun Bitmap|*.fun;*.fan;' |
TruncExtCount | Should always be 0. When > 0 "All Files" truncates the extension list to n extensions per format |
// Prompt user to open an image
dlg := TOpenDialog.Create(Self);
dlg.Filter := GetOpenSaveDialogFilter( False, ShowFormats, LimitToFileType, ExtendedFilters );
if dlg.Execute then ...
// Prompt user to save an image
dlg := TSaveDialog.Create(Self);
dlg.Filter := GetOpenSaveDialogFilter( True, ShowFormats, LimitToFileType, ExtendedFilters );
if dlg.Execute then ...
// Prompt user to open a multi-frame image
dlg := TOpenDialog.Create(Self);
dlg.Filter := GetOpenSaveDialogFilter( False, iesfMultiImagesOnly );
dlg.FilterIndex := FilterIndex;
if dlg.Execute then ...
// Prompt user to save a multi-frame image
dlg := TSaveDialog.Create(Self);
dlg.Filter := GetOpenSaveDialogFilter( True, iesfMultiImagesOnly, -1, '' );
if dlg.Execute then ...
Compatibility Information
Prior to v9.2.5 there was a MultiFrameSaveOnly parameter. Code that was:
s := GetOpenSaveDialogFilter( True, iesfImagesOnly, -1, '', True );
Should be changed to:
s := GetOpenSaveDialogFilter( True, iesfMultiImagesOnly, -1, '' );
See Also