function IEGlobalSettings(): TIEGlobalSettings;
Returns the instance of TIEGlobalSettings object.
Note: You can also add a
TIEGlobalSettings object to a form for design-time adjustment
// Change the language to Italian
IEGlobalSettings().MsgLanguage := msItalian;
// Use PixelFormat as authoritative source of bit-depth
IEGlobalSettings().AutoSetBitDepth := True;
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.PixelFormat := ie8p;
// Display ImageEn version information
Label1.Caption := 'ImageEn Version: ' + IEGlobalSettings().ImageEnVersion.VersionStr;
Label2.Caption := 'Released on: ' + IEGlobalSettings().ImageEnVersion.DateStr;
// Use WIC to load JPEG images
IEGlobalSettings().JPEGEngine := ieenWIC;
// Register all available plug-in DLLs
// For all loading, automatically rotate images to their correct orientation
IEGlobalSettings().IOParamDefaults.EnableAdjustOrientation := True;
// Use a navy selection color when selecting text in a PDF document
IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewerDefaults.SelectionColor := clNavy;