Properties · Methods · Demos · Examples
TIEGlobalSettings = class(TComponent);
Provides access to settings that are shared by all ImageEn components and functionality.
It can be accessed using the
IEGlobalSettings object or by adding a TIEGlobalSettings component to your main form (both methods can be used at the same time).
| Demos\Other\AllComps\AllComponents.dpr |
| Demos\Other\ImageEnViewToolbar\IEToolbar.dpr |
// Change the language to Italian
IEGlobalSettings().MsgLanguage := msItalian;
// Use PixelFormat as authoritative source of bit-depth
IEGlobalSettings().AutoSetBitDepth := True;
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.PixelFormat := ie8p;
// Display ImageEn version information
Label1.Caption := 'ImageEn Version: ' + IEGlobalSettings().ImageEnVersion.VersionStr;
Label2.Caption := 'Released on: ' + IEGlobalSettings().ImageEnVersion.DateStr;
// Use WIC to load JPEG images
IEGlobalSettings().JPEGEngine := ieenWIC;
// Register all available plug-in DLLs
// For all loading, automatically rotate images to their correct orientation
IEGlobalSettings().IOParamDefaults.EnableAdjustOrientation := True;
// Use a navy selection color when selecting text in a PDF document
IEGlobalSettings().PdfViewerDefaults.SelectionColor := clNavy;
Bitmap Settings
Color Settings
Visual Components (TImageEnView, TImageEnMView, etc)
TImageEnView Toolbars
TImageEnView Popup Menus
TImageEnMView Popup Menus
Other Toolbars and Popup Menus
Toolbar and Popup Events
TImageEnView Layers
ImageEn Dialogs
Twain (Acquisition)
Image Engines
Format Plug-Ins (DLLs)
Advanced Settings
System Status (Read-Only)