property JPEGEngine: TIEImagingEngine;
Specifies which engine is used to load and save JPEG format images.
Property | Description |
ieenAuto | Automatically chooses ieenDLL if a DLL is found in the EXE folder, otherwise ieenNative (32bit) or ieenWIC (64bit) |
ieenNative | Uses native loading code (32bit only) |
ieenDLL | Uses an ImageEn DLL to support the file format. This option gives the best performance and functionality |
ieenWIC | Uses the WIC API (Windows Imaging Component). Some meta-data is not supported. You cannot save to the following pixel formats: ie8p, ie32f, ieCIELab |
ieenLegacy | N/A |
ieenNone | Format is not available |
◼ieenDLL requires you to ship the
IELib or IEVision DLL with your application
◼With ieenAuto, only the EXE folder is searched for relevant DLLs. For ieenDLL, the system path is also checked (or specify a path by calling
Default: ieenAuto (which uses ieenDLL if a
DLL is available, otherwise ieenNative in 32bit apps or ieenWIC in 64bit apps)
WIC Support
WIC (Windows Imaging Component) allows ImageEn to load many image formats directly from Windows. This provides a very good performance and prevents you needing to ship a DLL. However some features are not supported with WIC and will be lost from the image if you save using WIC.
The following features are unsupported at this time:
◼IPTC Fields
◼XMP Fields
◼Wang Annotations
◼ImageEn Annotations
◼ICC Profiles
◼Photoshop Image Resources (
◼Some EXIF properties:
Engine Performance

| Demos\InputOutput\IEViewPerformance\Performance.dpr |
// Use WIC to load JPEG images
IEGlobalSettings().JPEGEngine := ieenWIC;
// Force use of IELib DLL for improved performance
// ImageEn will attempt to load the DLL even if it's not in the EXE folder. If the DLL is not found or is outdated, an error will be raised
IEGlobalSettings().JPEGEngine := ieenDLL;
IEGlobalSettings().PNGEngine := ieenDLL;
IEGlobalSettings().JPEG2000Engine := ieenDLL;
IEGlobalSettings().CameraRawEngine := ieenDLL;
See Also