property OnAddToolbarButton: TIEAddButtonEvent;
Add this event to your code to customize the buttons that are added to ImageEn toolbars.
You can use the
Buttons of toolbars, such as
ImageEditingToolbar to specify groups of buttons that are added to the toolbar, but the OnAddToolbarButton event allows you to include or exclude specific buttons.
ToolbarID is a const from
ImageEn Toolbar IDs.
ButtonID is a const from
ImageEn Toolbar Button IDs.
Note: Ensure you reset this event before destroying your form, e.g. IEGlobalSettings().OnAddToolbarButton := nil;
IEGlobalSettings().OnAddToolbarButton := AddToolbarButton;
procedure TMainForm.ImageEnViewToolbar1AddButton(Sender: TObject; ToolbarID: Integer; ButtonID: Integer; var Include: Boolean);
// Hide Zoom box and the 100% button from all ImageEnView toolbars (only show Zoom In and Zoom Out)
if ( ButtonID = IEViewZoomBox_Button_ID ) or
( ButtonID = IEViewZoomFullSize_Button_ID ) then
Include := False
Compatibility Information
Prior to v12.0.5
OnAddToolbarButton only occurred for buttons specified by the
Buttons property. From 12.0.5,
OnAddToolbarButton occurs for every button with the initial value of
Include determining its default state.
See Also