What is being measured, e.g. iemLength or iemRectArea, iemEllipseArea
The layer that displays the measurement. Will be a TIELineLayer if MeasureLayer = iemLength, TIEPolylineLayer for MeasureLayer = iemPath, TIEAngleLayer for MeasureLayer = iemAngle, or TIETextLayer for iemRectArea or iemEllipseArea
The current value of the measurement (e.g. the length of the line or area of the ellipse)
The current units of the measurement. This value can be modified
procedure Tfmain.ImageEnView1Measure(Sender: TObject; MeasureType: TIEMeasureType; MeasureLayer: TIELayer; Size: Double; var Units: TIEUnits); begin // MEASURE LENGTHS if MeasureLayer is TIELineLayer then with TIELineLayer( MeasureLayer ) do begin LineColor := clWhite; LineWidth := 3; LabelFont.Color := clBlue; end else // MEASURE AREAS if MeasureLayer is TIETextLayer then with TIETextLayer( MeasureLayer ) do begin BorderColor := clBlack; BorderWidth := 3; FillColor := clSilver; Font.Color := clBlue; Transparency := 128; end; end;