Declaration property AutoCurving: Integer; Description
Specifies the percentage of auto-curving applied to angles of the polyline. The valid range is 0-100. 0 disables auto-curving.
This method applies cubic beziers to the polyline.
Note: AutoCurving will have no effect if
EnableComplexPath = True
Default: 0 (auto-curving is disabled)
// Add a "starfish" shape ImageEnView1.LayersAdd( [ 125,0, 155,95, 250,95, 175,155, 202,250, 125,193, 48,250, 78,155, 0,95, 98,95 ], True, clBlue, 2, clWhite ); TIEPolylineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).AutoCurving := 60; ImageEnView1.Update(); // Disable auto-curving TIEPolylineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).AutoCurving := 0; ImageEnView1.Update();
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