ImageEn, unit iexLayers




procedure SetPoint(Index: integer; X, Y: integer; PointBase: TIEPointBase = iepbRange; SnapAngles: Boolean = False); overload;
procedure SetPoint(Index: integer; X, Y: integer; PointBase: TIEPointBase; Action: TIEPathAction; ClosePath: Boolean = False;
                   CurveX1: Double = 0; CurveY1: Double = 0; CurveX2: Double = 0; CurveY2: Double = 0;
                   ArcLarge: Boolean = False; ArcSweepCW: Boolean = False); overload;


Sets the point of the specified index.
Each point of the polyline is represented by an x and y value in the range 0 to 1000. Where (0, 0) is the top-left pixel of the layer and (1000, 1000) is the bottom-right. Values less than 0 or more than 1000 will increase the size of the layer.
There is also a complex path overload that allows you to add curves and arcs.

Parameter Description
X, Y The point to add
PointBase What base units point values are specified in
SnapAngles Set to true to adjust the angle to ensure it aligns with LayersRotateStep (e.g. force it to 45 deg. steps)

Complex Path Notes:
For an iepaBezierCurveTo you must set: CurveX1, CurveY1, CurveX2, CurveY2
For an iepaQuadraticCurveTo you must set: CurveX1, CurveY1
For an iepaArcTo you must set: CurveX1 (= ArcRadiusX), CurveY1 (= ArcRadiusY), CurveX2 (= ArcRotation), ArcLarge, ArcSweepCW


// Set second point at 500, 0
TIEPolylineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).SetPoint( 1, 500, 0 );

// Set the second point that will double the width of the layer
TIEPolylineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).SetPoint( 1, 130, 2000 );

// Set a point representing the arc in the following path: <path fill="#0c64d2" d="M49 58 A42 42 10 1 0 50 58z"/>
TIEPolylineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).SetPoint( 1, 50 58, iepbBitmap, iepaArcTo, True, 42, 42, 10, True, False );

See Also


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