function warpPerspective(M: TIEVisionMatrix; destSize: TIEVisionSize; interpolation: TIEVisionInterpolation = ievLINEAR; borderMode: TIEVisionBorderType = ievBORDER_CONSTANT; inverseMap: bool32 = false): TIEVisionImage; overload; safecall;
function warpPerspective(M: TIEVisionMatrix; destSize: TIEVisionSize; interpolation: TIEVisionInterpolation; borderMode: TIEVisionBorderType; const borderValue: TIEVisionScalar; inverseMap: bool32 = false): TIEVisionImage; overload; safecall;
Apply a perspective transformation to an image.
Parameter | Description |
M | 3x3 transformation matrix |
destSize | Size of the output image |
interpolation | Interpolation method (ievNEAREST or ievLINEAR) |
borderMode | Border mode (ievBORDER_CONSTANT or ievBORDER_REPLICATE) |
borderValue | Border color (B, G, R, 0) |
inverseMap | Sets M as the inverse transformation |
Returns the warped image.
Using Homography to correct the perspective of an image:
Note: A shortcut method for this is available:
| Demos\IEVision\ImageAlignment\ImageAlignment.dpr |
// warps img1 (TIEBitmap) using hmat matrix to a 1000x1000 bitmap
imgres := img1.GetIEVisionImage().warpPerspective(hmat, IEVisionSize(1000, 1000));
// warps img1 (TIEBitmap) using hmat matrix to a 1000x1000 bitmap, with a red (scalar 0,0,255,0) border
imgres := img1.GetIEVisionImage().warpPerspective(hmat, IEVisionSize(1000, 1000), ievNEAREST, ievBORDER_CONSTANT, IEVisionScalar(0, 0, 255, 0));
See Also