ImageEn, unit ievision



TIEVisionImage = interface(TIEVisionBase)


An interface to handle raster images (or matrices) of the type required by IEVision.
It is possible to perform basic input/output operations and several image processing tasks. You can also connect a TIEVisionImage to a TIEBitmap, sharing the same content.

To convert a TIEBitmap to a TIEVisionImage use GetIEVisionImage:

vizImage := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage();

To convert a TIEVisionImage to a TIEBitmap use AssignIEVisionImage:

ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.AssignIEVisionImage( vizImage );

For TBitmap you can assign it first to a TIEBitmap.


// Create empty image
image := IEVisionLib.createImage();

// Create an image from "input.jpg", resize to 100x100 and save as "output.jpg"
image := IEVisionLib.createImage('input.jpg');
image.resize(100, 100); // default interpolation = linear'output.jpg');

// Create an image of 1000x1000x24 bit
image := IEVisionLib.createImage(1000, 1000, ievUINT8, 3);

// Create an image from the TIEBitmap of a TImageEnView (sharing the content)
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Origin := ieboTOPLEFT;
image := IEVisionLib.createImage(ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width, ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height,
                                 ievUINT8, 3, ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Rowlen,

// Same as previous code
image := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage();

  images: TIEVisionVectorImageRef;
  i: Integer;
  pano: TIEVisionImage;
  status: TIEVisionStitchingStatus;
  images := IEVisionLib.createVectorImageRef();
  for i := 1 to 6 do
    images.push_back(IEVisionLib.createImage('image' + IntToStr( i ) + '.jpg'));
  pano := IEVisionLib.createStitcher().stitch(images, status);

  if status = ievSSOK then

Methods and Properties

Public Method  copy
Public Method  copyFrom
Public Method  create
Public Method  createAlphaMask
Public Method  getAlphaMask
Public Method  getChannelFormat
Public Method  getChannels
Public Method  getHeight
Public Method  getMetadata
Public Method  getRowLen
Public Method  getWidth
Public Method  hasAlphaMask
Public Method  isEmpty
Public Method  operatorASSIGN
Public Method  save
Public Method  setDPI
Public Method  setZero
Public Method  share
Public Method  swap

Image Analysis
Public Method  addWeighted
Public Method  avg
Public Method  avgSdv
Public Method  camShift
Public Method  canny
Public Method  cmp
Public Method  countNonZero
Public Method  findContours
Public Method  inRange
Public Method  integral
Public Method  isAllWhite
Public Method  LUT
Public Method  matchTemplate
Public Method  matchTemplateAsMap
Public Method  matchTemplateMulti
Public Method  norm
Public Method  scaleAdd

Image Processing
Public Method  adaptiveThreshold
Public Method  blur
Public Method  convertScale
Public Method  detectLines
Public Method  dilate
Public Method  equalizeHistogram
Public Method  erode
Public Method  fastNlMeansDenoisingColored
Public Method  filter2D
Public Method  flip
Public Method  floodFill
Public Method  houghLines
Public Method  houghLinesP
Public Method  inpaint
Public Method  makeBorder
Public Method  max
Public Method  merge
Public Method  min
Public Method  minMax
Public Method  mulSpectrums
Public Method  opNot
Public Method  pyrDown
Public Method  pyrUp
Public Method  repeatImage
Public Method  resize
Public Method  smooth
Public Method  threshold

Matrix Methods
Public Method  determinant
Public Method  dotProduct
Public Method  eigenVV
Public Method  invert
Public Method  mulTransposed
Public Method  perspectiveTransform
Public Method  reduce
Public Method  setIdentity
Public Method  splitPlanes
Public Method  transpose
Public Method  thinPlateSplineShapeTransform
Public Method  warpPerspective

Pixel Access
Public Method  getColumn
Public Method  getColumns
Public Method  getDiagonal
Public Method  getRect
Public Method  getRow
Public Method  getRows
Public Method  getScanline
Public Method  pixel_BGR8
Public Method  pixel_float32
Public Method  pixel_float64
Public Method  pixel_RGB8
Public Method  pixel_uint16
Public Method  pixel_uint8
Public Method  setValue

See Also
