Imports a WMF or EMF vectorial image. If the file does not represent a valid image format, ImportMetafile raises an EInvalidGraphic exception.
Width and Height specify the image size (the rectangle where the vectorial image will be painted). If -1 is specified for both, the original image size is used.
To maintain the image aspect ratio set only one size, assigning -1 to the other, e.g. ImportMetafile('axi.emf', -1, 500); or set both values and enable MaintainAR.
If WithAlpha is true then ImportMetaFile creates an alpha channel, making only the metafile content visible. BackgroundFill specifies the fill for the non-content area of the image. If clNone is specified, then EMFBackgroundColor or the Background color is used.
Note: ◼ImportMetafile converts the vectorial image to a raster image, so you must limit the rasterized image sizes. The maximum allowed size is specified by MaxImageEMFSize and MaxImageEMFMatrixSize ◼ImportMetafile should not be used in threads because it uses TCanvas. If thread loading is required call Synchronize() beforehand or limit the size of the returned image. ◼If you use LoadFromFile to load metafiles or the first overload then the default settings are used, such as EMFBackgroundColor ◼If NativePixelFormat = True, the image will be returned in ie32RGB format with alpha in the A channel
// Import vectorial image 'alfa.wmf', resizing to 500xHHH (HHH is auto-calculated) ImageEnView1.IO.ImportMetafile( 'C:\alfa.wmf', 500, -1, true, clWhite );
// We want a maximum imported image size of 1024 pixels (in either dimension) when loading EMF or WMF files IEGlobalSettings().MaxImageEMFSize := 1024; ImageEnView1.IO.ImportMetafile( 'C:\input.wmf' );
// Import with a solid white background ImageEnView1.IO.ImportMetaFile( 'C:\input.wmf', -1, -1, False, clWhite );