function LoadFromFileIEN(const FileName: WideString; Append: Boolean = False): Boolean;
Loads an image from an ImageEn's native image format, which preserves the image and any layers.
FileName is the file name including extension. Result will be false if the file is not ImageEn format (and
Aborting will be true). Loading errors due to a file not being available will raise an exception.
Append is True, the existing content is not cleared, i.e. layers in this file will be added to existing layers.
◼You can abort loading by setting
Aborting to true
◼If the TImageEnIO is
attached to a TImageEnView then layers in the file will be loaded, if it is attached to a TIEBitmap or TBitmap then the file will be loaded as a merged image.
◼You can also
import layers from
PDF and
SVG files
// Save current layer configuration (compress images as PNG)
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.IEN_Compression := ioPNG;
ImageEnView1.IO.SaveToFileIEN( 'D:\layers.ien' );
// Load saved layers
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFileIEN( 'D:\layers.ien' );
// Append layers from a file, except the background layer
cnt := ImageEnView1.LayersCount;
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFileIEN( 'D:\layers.ien', True );
ImageEnView1.LayersRemove( cnt );
// Load a background image, and add annotations from a layer file (except background or other image layers)
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\Background.jpg', True );
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFileIEN( 'D:\layers.ien' );
for I := ImageEnView1.LayersCount - 1 downto 1 do
if ImageEnView1.Layers[ I ] is TIEImageLayer then
ImageEnView1.LayersRemove( I );
See Also