function LoadFromStreamWebP(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
Loads an image from a stream containing a WebP file.
The result will be false if an error is encountered, e.g. the file in the stream is not WebP format (Aborting will be true).
The method used to load WebP files is specified by ActiveWebPEngine.
Note: ◼Multiple frame WebP files are not supported (only the first image is loaded) ◼Does not reset the position of the stream, so you may need to first call Stream.Position := 0; ◼If NativePixelFormat = True, the image will be returned in ie32RGB format with alpha in the A channel
var fs: TFileStream; Begin fs := TFileStream.Create('myfile.WebP', fmOpenRead); if ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromStreamWebP(fs) = False then ShowMessage('Not a WebP file!');; End;