function TImageEnIO.LoadFromStreamZIP(Stream: TStream; FileIndex: Integer = -1; const Password: string = ''): Boolean;
Loads a file from a ZIP stream into the attached
TImageEnView or
TIEBitmap using a plug-in.
If the file is encrypted you can specify the password (otherwise a password prompt will be displayed if
AutoPromptForPassword is enabled).
Result will be false if the file is not ZIP format or no ZIP plug-ins are available (
Aborting will be true). Loading errors due to a file not being available will raise an exception.
◼ZIP extraction requires the
7z plug-in from:
ImageIndex to specify which page of the ZIP file to load
◼LoadFromStreamZIP does not reset the position of the stream, so you may need to first call Stream.Position := 0;
◼Read more about
ImageEn ZIP Support