property TwainParams: TIETwainParams;
Use the TwainParams property to control acquisition from Twain scanners and cameras. You can enable/disable the standard user interface, set pixel type (Grayscale, RGB...), DPI, etc.
Note: Use TwainParams only when you need access to Twain specific parameters and functionality (when
SelectedAcquireSource.Api is ieaTwain). For generic access to all image acquisitions sources (Twain, WIA, etc.) use
AcquireParams instead.
// Acquire a black/white (1bit) image from the default Twain device
ImageEnView1.IO.TwainParams.PixelType.CurrentValue := 0;
if ImageEnView1.IO.SetAcquireSource(ieaTwain, Default_Device) then
| Demos\ImageAcquisition\Twain\TwainDemo.dpr |
See Also