ImageEn, unit iesettings




KeyboardShortcuts: TIEKeyboardShortcuts;


Specifies all keyboard shortcuts used by:

Individual shortcuts can be customized and disabled.

Defaults are as follows:
Type Shortcut
ieksLeftAlign Ctrl+L
ieksCenterAlign Ctrl+E
ieksRightAlign Ctrl+R
ieksJustified Ctrl+J
ieksCopy Ctrl+C
ieksCut Ctrl+X
ieksPaste Ctrl+V
ieksFontSelect Ctrl+D
ieksBold Ctrl+B
ieksItalic Ctrl+I
ieksUnderline Ctrl+U
ieksBackColorSelect Ctrl+G
ieksIncreaseFontSize Ctrl+Period
ieksDecreaseFontSize Ctrl+Comma
ieksClearFormatting Ctrl+Space
ieksSelectAll Ctrl+A
ieksProperties Alt+Return
ieksDelete Delete
ieksUndo Ctrl+Z
ieksRedo Ctrl+Y
ieksZoomIn Ctrl+Plus
ieksZoomOut Ctrl+Minus
ieksResetZoom Ctrl+0
ieksSendBackward Ctrl+[
ieksBringForward Ctrl+]
ieksEditText F2
ieksIncreaseBorder Ctrl+Period
ieksDecreaseBorder Ctrl+Comma
ieksIncreaseCurve Alt+Up
ieksDecreaseCurve Alt+Down
ieksInvertAngle Alt+I
ieksFind Ctrl+F
ieksFindNext Shift+F4
ieksReplace Ctrl+H
ieksRename F2
ieksRefresh F5
ieksOpenParent Alt+Left
ieksSystemMenu Shift+F10

These options do not affect ImageEn Actions. Edit the shortcut in each action directly instead.
Shortcuts for TImageEnViewToolbar/TIERichEditToolbar and be disabled by setting KeyboardShortcuts := False;

TImageEnView Shortcuts

Activate the current interactive tool - Enter
Cancel the current interactive tool - Esc
Zoom into the image ieksZoomIn Ctrl+Plus
Zoom out of the image ieksZoomOut Ctrl+Minus
Reset the Zoom to 100% ieksResetZoom Ctrl+0
Note: Disable keyboard shortcuts of TImageEnView using KeyInteract

TIELayer Shortcuts

Description Type Shortcut
Move layer - Cursor Keys (Hold Shift to move faster)
Resize layer - Ctrl+Cursor Keys (Hold Shift to size faster)
Remove the current layer (Deletion can be disabled using loPreventLayerDelete) ieksDelete Delete
Edit the text of the current layer ieksEditText F2
Select next layer (Hold Shift to get previous) - Ctrl+Tab
Move layer forward (Hold Shift to move to very front) ieksBringForwardCtrl+]
Send layer back (Hold Shift to move to very back) ieksSendBackward Ctrl+]
Increase the size of the font of a text or line layer, or the border ieksIncreaseFontSize Ctrl+Period
Decrease the size of the font of a text or line layer, or the border ieksDecreaseFontSize Ctrl+Comma
Display the Properties Dialog ieksProperties Alt+Enter
Select all layers ieksSelectAll Ctrl+A
Select the font for a text or line layer ieksFontSelect Ctrl+D
Toggle bold of the font of a text or line layer ieksBold Ctrl+B
Toggle italics of the font of a text or line layer ieksItalic Ctrl+I
Toggle underline of the font of a text or line layer ieksUnderline Ctrl+U
Align text left (top) ieksLeftAlign Ctrl+L (Hold Shift to align to top)
Align text center ieksCenterAlign Ctrl+E (Hold Shift to to vertically center)
Align text right (top) ieksRightAlign Ctrl+R (Hold Shift to align to bottom)
Justify text ieksJustified Ctrl+J
Cut layer to clipboard ieksCut Ctrl+X
Copy layer to clipboard ieksCopy Ctrl+C
Paste layer from clipboard ieksPaste Ctrl+V
Cancel text editing or line or polyline insertion - Escape
Enact text editing or polyline insertion - Enter
Invert the angle of an layer (e.g. 90° will become 270°) ieksInvertAngle Alt+I
Increase the curve of a line layer ieksIncreaseCurve Alt+Up
Decrease the curve of a line layer ieksDecreaseCurve Alt+Down
Clear the formatting from a rich formatted text layer ieksClearFormatting Ctrl+Space
Increase the width of the border or line ieksIncreaseBorder Ctrl+Period
Decrease the width of the border or line ieksDecreaseBorder Ctrl+Comma
Select a fill color for the layer ieksBackColorSelect Ctrl+G
Undo the last action ieksUndo Ctrl+Z
Redo the last action ieksRedo Ctrl+Y
Note: Disable all keyboard shortcuts for layers by removing vkiLayerEditing from KeyInteract

TImageEnMView/TImageEnFolderMView Shortcuts

Description Type Shortcut Option to Enable
Navigate - Cursor Keys mkiMoveSelected
Select multiple files - Ctrl/Shift+Cursor Keys mkiMoveSelected
Select next filename starting with a letter - Numbers and letters mkiLetterNavigation
Select all files ieksSelectAll Ctrl+A mkiMoveSelected
Delete the selected file * ieksDelete Delete ieboEnableFileShortcuts
Rename the selected file * ieksRename F2 ReadOnly
Open parent folder * ieksOpenParent Alt+Left/Backspace ieboEnableFolderShortcuts
Refresh file list * ieksRefresh F5 ieboEnableFolderShortcuts
Open folder/launch file (if launch option enabled in FolderInteract) * - Enter ieboEnableFolderShortcuts
Display the File Properties Dialog * ieksProperties Alt+Enter ieboEnableFileShortcuts
Cut file to clipboard * ieksCut Ctrl+X ieboEnableFileShortcuts
Copy file to clipboard * ieksCopy Ctrl+C ieboEnableFileShortcuts
Paste file from clipboard * ieksPaste Ctrl+V ieboEnableFileShortcuts
Display the system popup menu (if PopupMenuUseSystem is enabled) * ieksSystemMenu Shift+F10 ieboEnableFileShortcuts
Zoom into the control ieksZoomIn Ctrl+Plus mkiMiscellaneous
Zoom out of the control ieksZoomOut Ctrl+Minus mkiMiscellaneous
Reset the Zoom to 100% ieksResetZoom Ctrl+0 mkiMiscellaneous
 * Only available in TImageEnFolderMView, not TImageEnMView
Note: Disable keyboard shortcuts of TImageEnMView using KeyInteract

TIERichEdit Shortcuts

Description Type Shortcut
Cut to Clipboard ieksCut Ctrl+X
Copy to Clipboard ieksCopy Ctrl+C
Paste from Clipboard ieksPaste Ctrl+V
Align text left ieksLeftAlign Ctrl+L
Center text ieksCenterAlign Ctrl+E
Align text right ieksRightAlign Ctrl+R
Justify text ieksJustified Ctrl+J
Apply bold formatting ieksBold Ctrl+B
Apply italic formatting ieksItalic Ctrl+I
Apply underline formatting ieksUnderline Ctrl+U
Open the Font dialog box ieksFontSelect Ctrl+D
Removes all formatting from selection ieksClearFormatting Ctrl+Space
Decrease the size of the font ieksDecreaseFontSize Ctrl+Comma
Increase the size of the font ieksIncreaseFontSize Ctrl+Period
Show Find dialog ieksFind Ctrl+F
Find Next ieksFindNext Shift+F4
Show Replace dialog ieksReplace Ctrl+H
Select all text ieksSelectAll Ctrl+A
Undo the last action ieksUndo Ctrl+Z
Redo the last action ieksRedo Ctrl+Y
Zoom into the image ieksZoomIn Ctrl+Plus
Zoom out of the image ieksZoomOut Ctrl+Minus
Reset the Zoom to 100% ieksResetZoom Ctrl+0
Note: Disable all keyboard shortcuts in TIERichEdit by setting KeyboardShortcuts := False;


// Use Ctrl+M to center text
IEGlobalSettings().KeyboardShortcuts[ieksCenterAlign] := ShortCut( Word('M'), [ssCtrl] );

// Disable Select All (e.g. of layers)
IEGlobalSettings().KeyboardShortcuts[ ieksSelectAll ] := 0;

See Also

FAQ: Disabling all keyboard shortcuts