ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers |
property AlwaysShowTypes: TIEMetaTypes;
Specifies which meta-data types are always displayed even if the file does not contain that meta-data type.
Any types specified for
AlwaysShowTypes will override
AutoShowTypes, all Fields will be shown for
AlwaysShowTypes, even if they have no value (excluding DICOM).
You must call
Update after changing
AlwaysShowTypes to update the content.
Value | Description |
iemGeneral | General file properties including: Filename, folder, file size and date. Image properties including: Image type, dimensions, color depth and resolution (See General Tag Constants) |
iemEXIF | EXIF meta-data of JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD and Camera Raw images (See Constants for EXIF Properties) |
iemIPTC | IPTC meta-data of JPEG, TIFF and PSD images (See PhotoShop IPTC Constants) |
iemDicom | Medical tags of DICOM files (See Dicom Tags Supported by ImageEn) |
iemXMP | XMP data of JPEG, TIFF, PNG and PSD images (See Constants for Common XMP Fields) |
iemPDF | Properties of PDF documents (See Constants for PDF Properties) |
Meta data support by file type:
File Type | General | EXIF | IPTC | XMP | DICOM | PDF Info |
Adobe PhotoShop | | | | | | |
Camera Raw Images | | | | | | |
DICOM | | | | | | |
JPEG | | | | | | |
PNG | | | | | | |
PDF Files | | | | | | |
TIFF | | | | | | |
Other Formats | | | | | | |
◼Even if iemDICOM is specified for
AlwaysShowTypes it is not displayed unless the format is DICOM
◼For more control over which fields are added, use the
OnAddMetaData event
◼You can also use the
OnGetHeadingText event to customize meta type display
◼By default,
GroupView is enabled, which helps categorize each meta-type
Default: []
// Always show EXIF and IPTC fields even if the image does not contain any relevant data
IEMetaListView1.GroupView := True;
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [iemEXIF, iemIPTC];

// Output Dicom tags of an image (exclude deprecated and unknown tags)
IEMetaListView1.DicomTags := [ diStandard, diChildTags, diProprietary, diDeprecated, diUnknown ];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [iemDicom ];
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\image.dicom' );
IEMetaListView1.Assign( ImageEnView1 );
// Show only document properties for the current PDF
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Enabled := True;
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\Abobe Document.pdf' );
IEMetaListView1.GroupView := False;
IEMetaListView1.AutoShowTypes := [];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [ iemPDF ];
IEMetaListView1.AttachedImageEn := ImageEnView1;