ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers |
property AutoShowTypes: TIEMetaTypes;
Specifies which meta-data types are displayed if there is relevant meta-data available.
Any types specified in
AlwaysShowTypes will override this property.
Fields will only be shown if they have a value for
AutoShowTypes (unlike
AlwaysShowTypes where all fields are output).
You must call
Update after changing
AutoShowTypes to update the content.
Value | Description |
iemGeneral | General file properties including: Filename, folder, file size and date. Image properties including: Image type, dimensions, color depth and resolution (See General Tag Constants) |
iemEXIF | EXIF meta-data of JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD and Camera Raw images (See Constants for EXIF Properties) |
iemIPTC | IPTC meta-data of JPEG, TIFF and PSD images (See PhotoShop IPTC Constants) |
iemDicom | Medical tags of DICOM files (See Dicom Tags Supported by ImageEn) |
iemXMP | XMP data of JPEG, TIFF, PNG and PSD images (See Constants for Common XMP Fields) |
iemPDF | Properties of PDF documents (See Constants for PDF Properties) |
Meta data support by file type:
File Type | General | EXIF | IPTC | XMP | DICOM | PDF Info |
Adobe PhotoShop | | | | | | |
Camera Raw Images | | | | | | |
DICOM | | | | | | |
JPEG | | | | | | |
PNG | | | | | | |
PDF Files | | | | | | |
TIFF | | | | | | |
Other Formats | | | | | | |
◼For more control over which fields are added, use the
OnAddMetaData event
◼You can also use the
OnGetHeadingText event to customize meta type display
◼By default,
GroupView is enabled, which helps categorize each meta-type
Default: [iemGeneral, iemEXIF, iemIPTC, iemDicom, iemXMP, iemPDF]
// Show only general image info, and also EXIF if the file contains it
IEMetaListView1.GroupView := True;
IEMetaListView1.AutoShowTypes := [iemGeneral, iemEXIF];

// Show only document properties for the current PDF
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.Enabled := True;
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\Abobe Document.pdf' );
IEMetaListView1.GroupView := False;
IEMetaListView1.AutoShowTypes := [];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes := [ iemPDF ];
IEMetaListView1.AttachedImageEn := ImageEnView1;