ImageEn, unit imageenproc



TPRPreviewsParams = set of (prppDefaultLockPreview, prppShowResetButton, prppHardReset, prppResetSelectedTab, prppSingleEffectOnly);


Configure features of the Image Processing Dialog (displayed by calling DoPreviews).

Value Description
prppDefaultLockPreview Enable the "Live Preview" checkbox when the dialog is shown (i.e. preview is automatically updated by default)
prppShowResetButton Show a "Reset" button, which resets parameters to previous values
prppHardReset Allow Reset button to reset to default values instead of previous values
prppResetSelectedTab The Reset button will reset only the selected tab instead of all tabs
prppSingleEffectOnly Does not allow the user to apply effects from multiple tabs. Only the effect of the active tab is applied. This should be enabled if you are using ApplyPreviews


// Show preview by default
ImageEnView1.Proc.PreviewsParams := ImageEnView1.Proc.PreviewsParams + [ prppDefaultLockPreview ];

// Only allow application of a single effect (only the effect on the active tab)
ImageEnView1.Proc.PreviewsParams := ImageEnView1.Proc.PreviewsParams + [ prppSingleEffectOnly ];

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