function IELangAvailable(RaiseExcept: Boolean = False; ExeFolderOnly: Boolean = True) : Boolean; overload;
function IELangAvailable(RaiseExcept: Boolean; const DLLPath: String) : Boolean; overload;
Checks if the
IELang DLL is available (and initializes it).
If RaiseExcept is true, an exception will occur if the DLL is not found.
If ExeFolderOnly is true, only the folder of the application EXE is checked for IEVision DLLs.
Alternatively, you can specify a path to the DLL, which can either be a full filename or a folder.
Note: You can use
RegisterPlugIns as an alternative to
IELangAvailable. See example below...
if not IELangAvailable( False ) then
ShowMessage( 'Languages DLL not found! Please reinstall' );
// Which is the same as:
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns( [iepiLanguages] );
if not ( iepiLanguages in IEGlobalSettings().ActivePlugIns ) then
ShowMessage( 'Languages DLL not found! Please reinstall' );
See Also
◼ RegisterPlugIns◼ DLLLoadingLog