function RegisterPlugIns(PlugIns: TIEPlugIns = []; const IEVisionUserEmail: WideString = ''; const IEVisionUserSerial: WideString = ''; ExeFolderOnly: Boolean = True): TIEPlugIns; overload;
function RegisterPlugIns(const DLLPath: string; PlugIns: TIEPlugIns = []; const IEVisionUserEmail: WideString = ''; const IEVisionUserSerial: WideString = ''): TIEPlugIns; overload;
Registers all available plug-in DLLs to add image formats and advanced functionality to ImageEn.
Parameter | Description |
PlugIns | Which plug-ins to check for and load, or [] for all |
DLLPath | Optionally, specify the folder containing the add-in DLLs (if not the EXE folder or system path) |
IEVisionUserEmail, IEVisionUserSerial | If you have purchased IEVision specify your email and serial number. Leave blank to run IEVision in trial mode |
ExeFolderOnly | Whether to search only the EXE folder or the system path for plug-ins. Setting to false may make the method much slower |
You should call
RegisterPlugIns once in your application (ideally at application start-up). There is no risk to calling
RegisterPlugIns() multiple times.
The following plug-ins are loaded if available:
Plug-In | Const | Description |
IELib | iepiIELib | Loading of Camera Raw formats, and faster load performance for JPEG, PNG and JPEG2000 |
IEVision | iepiIEVision | Advanced functionality plug-in |
IELang | iepiLanguages | Localization of the ImageEn user interface and actions in over twenty languages |
PDFium | iepiPDFium | Viewing and editing of PDF documents |
ImageMagick | iepiImageMagick | Support for a wider range of image formats (supports both installed and DLL-only versions) |
SevenZip | iepiSevenZip | Support for Zip and other archives |
WebP | iepiWebP | Loading and saving of WebP files |
Most are included in the \DLL\ sub-folder where you installed ImageEn. Other plug-ins can be downloaded from:
Result is equivalent to:
◼If loading fails, you can get debugging information from:
◼The expected version of IELib/IEVision is available from:
◼Registering of the IELib, IELang and PDFium plug-ins is optional as they will be automatically registered when they are first needed (if found in your EXE folder)
◼To register the legacy ImageMagick plug-In, ImageMagick.dll use:
// Register all available plug-ins
// Register all available plug-in DLLs found in alternative folder
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns( 'C:\ImageEnPlugIns\' );
// Register all available plug-ins (IEVision user)
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns( [], 'me@mycompany.com', 'ievis-12345-67890-12345-67890-12345-67890' );
// Register only IEVision
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns( [iepiIEVision], 'me@mycompany.com', 'ievis-12345-67890-12345-67890-12345-67890' );
if not ( iepiIEVision in IEGlobalSettings().ActivePlugIns ) then
ShowMessage( 'This application requires the ievision.dll plug-in, v' + IEGlobalSettings().ImageEnVersion.IELibVersionStr +'. Please download it from www.imageen.com' );
// Register the PDFium Plug-In DLL and show a warning if not found
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns([ iepiPDFium ]);
if not ( iepiPDFium in IEGlobalSettings().ActivePlugIns ) then
ShowMessage( 'PDF DLL not found. Please reinstall.' );
// Change language to Italian and show warning if language dll is not found
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns([ iepiLanguages ]);
if not ( iepiLanguages in IEGlobalSettings().ActivePlugIns ) then
ShowMessage( 'IELang32.dll not found. Please reinstall.' )
IEGlobalSettings().MsgLanguage := msItalian;
// Register plug-ins from different folders under the EXE folder
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns( '.\MagickDLL\', [ iepiImageMagick ]);
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns( '.\PdfiumDLL\', [ iepiPDFium ]);
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns( '.\IELangDLL\', [ iepiLanguages ]);
// Register IEVision DLL with a custom filename (renamed XyzViz.DLL)
IEGlobalSettings().RegisterPlugIns( 'C:\Program Files\MyApp\XyzViz.DLL', [iepiIEVision], 'me@mycompany.com', 'ievis-12345-67890-12345-67890-12345-67890' );
// Output logging information for DLL registration
IEGlobalSettings().DLLLoadingLogEnabled := True;
memLog.Text := IEGlobalSettings().DLLLoadingLog;
See Also