ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers |
function IEShowImageInfo(Params: TIOParams; const Caption: string = '';
AutoShowTypes: TIEMetaTypes = [];
AlwaysShowTypes: TIEMetaTypes = [];
ReadOnly: Boolean = True;
PreviewWidth: Integer = -1; PreviewHeight: Integer = -1;
Maximized: Boolean = False): Boolean;
Display a pop-up window to show meta-data and other information about the image image.
This method uses a
Parameter | Description |
Params | The source of the image information |
Caption | The heading for the window (defaults to the image filename) |
AutoShowTypes | They types of meta-data to show (if the file includes that type). If [] is specified then all available types will be shown |
AlwaysShowTypes | They types of meta-data to show even if the file does not include that type (will be shown with blank entries) |
ReadOnly | If true, the user can edit EXIF, DICOM or IPTC fields |
PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight | The size of the display window. If -1 it will be made the same as the image (though it will be shrunk to ensure it is no larger than the screen) |
Maximized | Set to true to display the window in a maximized state |
Result is true if the data is modified (ReadOnly = False). If ReadOnly = True the result is always true.
◼User can hide the dialog by clicking Esc or clicking the [x] button
◼You can also show an image preview using
IEShowImageInfo( ImageEnView1.IO.Params );
// Show a maximized Info window
IEShowImageInfo( ImageEnView1.IO.Params, '', [], [], False, -1, -1, True );
// Prompt user to add or edit exif data
if IEShowImageInfo( ImageEnView1.IO.Params, 'Edit EXIF', [], [iemEXIF], False, -1, -1, True ) = True then
btnSaveChanges.Enabled := True;