ImageEn, unit iexSevenZip |
function SevenZip_IsAvailable(ExeFolderOnly: Boolean; RaiseExcept: Boolean): Boolean; overload;
function SevenZip_IsAvailable(const DLLPath: String = ''; RaiseExcept: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload;
Checks if the
SevenZip DLL is available and initializes it.
If ExeFolderOnly is true, only the folder of the application EXE is checked for IEVision DLLs.
Alternatively, you can specify a path to the DLL, which can either be a full filename or a folder.
If RaiseExcept is true, an exception will occur if the DLL is not found.
Note: You are better to use
RegisterPlugIns or
PlugInAvailable rather than
See Also