ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions |
function MergeExposures(Dest: TIEBitmap; AlignImages: Boolean = False; ContrastWeight: Single = 1.0; SaturationWeight: Single = 1.0; Gamma: Single = 1.0): Boolean;
A shortcut method that creates a
TIEVisionExposureMerger object and calls
run to combine images of different exposures into a single tone-mapped HDR image.
Parameter | Description |
Dest | The bitmap that will be assigned the resulting image (must be created before calling) |
AlignImages | If True the algorithm tries to align the images |
ContrastWeight | Contrast measure weight (>0.0) |
SaturationWeight | Saturation measure weight (>0.0) |
Gamma | Gamma correction (1 = linear map) |
When the
TIEMultiBitmap is attached to a
Checkboxes are enabled, only checked images will be included. An exception is raised if there are no checked items
StoreType is not ietNormal, an attempt is made to load full quality images from file. An exception is raised if the files cannot be accessed
◼You must add the iexHelperFunctions unit to your uses clause
◼Delphi/C++ 2005 or newer is required to use helper classes
◼Exposure merging requires
IEVision. You will need to
register it before calling the method
◼If Dest is attached to a
TImageEnView, it will automatically call
Method Behaviour
The following call:
ImageEnMView1.IEMBitmap.MergeExposures( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap,
StrToFloatDef( EditContrastWeight.Text, 1.0 ),
StrToFloatDef( EditSaturationWeight.Text, 1.0 ),
StrToFloatDef( EditGamma.Text, 1.0 ));
Is the same as calling:
merger := IEVisionLib().createExposureMerger();
for i := 0 to ImageEnMView1.ImageCount - 1 do
bmp := ImageEnMView1.GetTIEBitmap( i, True );
merger.addImage( IEVisionLib.createImage( bmp.GetIEVisionImage() ));
ImageEnMView1.ReleaseBitmap( i, False );
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.AssignIEVisionImage( AlignImagesCheckBox.Checked,
StrToFloatDef( EditContrastWeight.Text, 1.0 ),
StrToFloatDef( EditSaturationWeight.Text, 1.0 ),
StrToFloatDef( EditGamma.Text, 1.0 )) );
// Merge the exposures of all the images in ImageEnMView1 and display the result in ImageEnView1
ImageEnMView1.IEMBitmap.MergeExposures( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap );
// Merge the exposures of 3 image files
mbmp := TIEMultiBitmap.Create();
mbmp.FillFromList( ['D:\image1.png', 'D:\image2.png', 'D:\image3.png'] );
mbmp.MergeExposures( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap );