function ExtractFromFileZIP(const FileName: string; FileIndex: Integer; const DestFolder: string; UseFullPath: Boolean = True; const Password: string = ''): Boolean; overload;
function ExtractFromFileZIP(const FileName: string; FileIndexes: TCardinalArray; Count: Integer; const DestFolder: string; UseFullPath: Boolean = True; const Password: string = ''): Boolean; overload;
Extracts one or all files from an archive to the specified folder.
The following archive formats are supported: Zip, ZipX, EPub, 7z, BZip2, Cab, Rar, Tar, ISO, CHM and LZH.
Specify -1 to extract all files, or specify an index of a specific file. The file(s) will be output to the specified folder.
If UseFullPath = False, then all files will be output to the specified folder. If UseFullPath = true, then the folder structure of the zip will be created within the specified path.
If the file is encrypted you can specify the password (otherwise a password prompt will be displayed if
AutoPromptForPassword is enabled).
Result will be false if the file is not a supported format or the
7z plug-in is not found (
Aborting will be true). Errors due to a file not being available will raise an exception.
◼Archive extraction requires the
7z plug-in
◼The archive file must have a supported extension: *.zip, *.zipx, *.epub, *.7z, *.bzip2, *.bz2, *.gzip, *.cab, *.rar, *.tar, *.iso, *.chm, *.lzh
◼To abort while extracting set
Aborting to true
◼Read more about
ImageEn ZIP Support
// Extract all files from a zip file to D:\Out\ (Recreating the internal zip folder structure)
ImageEnView1.IO.ExtractFromFileZIP( 'C:\', -1, 'D:\Out\', True );
// Extract the first file from a zip file to D:\Out\
ImageEnView1.IO.ExtractFromFileZIP( 'C:\', 0, 'D:\Out\', False );
// Extract three files from a zip
images[0] := 2;
images[1] := 4;
images[2] := 5;
ImageEnView1.IO.ExtractFromFileZIP( 'C:\', images, 3, 'D:\Out\', False );