
File Formats

ImageEn supports over eighty image and video formats:

Supported Formats

Format Extensions Support Method Load Save
Adobe PhotoShop *.psd, *.psb Native      
AVI Videos *.avi Native      
CALS Image *.cals, *.cal ImageMagick     
Camera Digital Negative *.dng DLL, WIC     
Canon Camera Raw *.crw, *.cr2, *.cr3 DLL, WIC     
Casio Camera Raw *.bay, *.cam DLL, WIC     
Cineon Image File *.cin ImageMagick      
DICOM *.dcm, *.dic, *.dicom, *.v2 Native      
Digital Picture Exchange Image *.dpx ImageMagick      
DirectDraw Surface *.dds WIC      
Dune AAI Image *.aai ImageMagick      
Embrid Embroidery Format *.pes ImageMagick     
Epson Camera Raw *.erf DLL, WIC     
Flexible Image Transport System *.fits, *.fts ImageMagick      
Fuji Camera Raw *.raf DLL, WIC     
GIF *.gif Native      
GIMP image *.xcf ImageMagick     
Hasselblad Camera Raw *.3fr, *.fff DLL, WIC     
High Dynamic Range File *.exr ImageMagick      
High Efficiency Image File *.heic, *.heif, *.heics, *.avcs, *.heifs, *.avif, *.avifs WIC      
High Efficiency Image File *.heic, *.heif, *.avif ImageMagick     
Image Properties JSON File *.json ImageMagick     
ImageEn Format *.ien, *.imageen, *.lyr Native      
ImageMagick SVG Renderer *.msvg, *.rsvg ImageMagick      
JPEG 2000 *.j2k, *.jpc, *.j2c, *.jp2 Native, DLL      
JPEG Network Graphics *.jng ImageMagick      
JPEG XL Image *.jxl ImageMagick      
JPEG *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.jif, *.jfif Native, DLL, WIC      
Kodak Camera Raw *.dcr, *.dc2, *.dcs, *.kdc, *.k25 DLL, WIC     
Leaf Camera Raw *.mos DLL, WIC     
Leica Camera Raw *.raw, *.rwl DLL, WIC     
Logitech Camera Raw *.pxn DLL, WIC     
Magick Image File Format *.miff ImageMagick      
Mamiya Camera Raw *.mef DLL, WIC     
MATLAB Level 5 Image Format *.mat ImageMagick      
Microsoft HD Photo *.wdp, *.jxr, *.hdp WIC      
Microsoft XML Paper Specification *.xps ImageMagick      
Minolta Camera Raw *.mrw, *.mdc DLL, WIC     
MPEG Video *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.mp4 DirectShow, MMF     
MPEG Video *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.m2v, *.mov, *.mp4, *.m4v ImageMagick      
Multiple-Image Network Graphics *.mng ImageMagick     
Nikon Camera Raw *.nef, *.nrw DLL, WIC     
Olympus Camera Raw *.orf DLL, WIC     
OpenRaster Image *.ora ImageMagick     
Other Camera Raw Formats *.rdc, *.iiq DLL, WIC     
Panasonic Camera Raw *.rw2 DLL, WIC     
PCX/DCX *.pcx, *.dcx Native      
PDF Files *.pdf, *.pdfa, *.epdf Native     
PDF Files *.pdf, *.pdfa, *.epdf PDFium      
Pentax Camera Raw *.pef, *.ptx DLL, WIC     
Photo CD Image *.pcd, *.pcds ImageMagick      
PNG *.png Native, DLL, WIC      
Portable Pixmap *.pxm, *.pbm, *.pgm, *.ppm Native      
PostScript *.ps, *.eps, *.epsf, *.epsi, *.epi, *.ept ImageMagick      
PostScript *.ps, *.eps Native     
Printer Control Language *.pcl ImageMagick      
QuickDraw PICT Image *.pict, *.pct ImageMagick      
RGB Image *.rgb, *.sgi ImageMagick     
Samsung Camera Raw *.srw DLL, WIC     
Seattle FilmWorks Image *.sfw ImageMagick     
Sigma Camera Raw *.x3f DLL, WIC     
Sinarback Camera Raw *.cs1 DLL, WIC     
Sony Camera Raw *.srf, *.sr2, *.arw DLL, WIC     
SVG *.svg Native      
SVG *.svg Delphi (Skia)     
SVG *.svg, *.svgz ImageMagick     
Targa Image *.tga, *.targa, *.vda, *.icb, *.vst Native      
TIFF *.tif, *.tiff, *.fax, *.g3f, *.g3n Native      
TrueType Font *.ttf, *.otf, *.pfa, *.pfb, *.ttc, *.dfont ImageMagick     
WebP *.webp DLL, Delphi (Skia), ImageMagick, WIC      
Windows Bitmap *.bmp, *.dib, *.rle Native      
Windows Cursors *.cur Native      
Windows Icons *.ico Native      
Windows Metafiles *.emf, *.wmf Native     
Wireless Bitmap *.wbmp Native      
WMV video *.wmv DirectShow, MMF     
X11 Graphic *.xbm, *.xpm ImageMagick     
ZIP and Other Archives *.zip, *.zipx, *.epub, *.7z, *.bzip2, *.bz2, *.gzip, *.cab, *.rar, *.tar, *.iso, *.chm, *.lzh SevenZip PlugIn     

Adobe Photoshop Format

PSD is the native image format of Adobe Photoshop. It supports layers.
Extensions *.psd, *.psb
Color Formats Full Color
Multiple Frames No
Transparency Supported
Layer Support May contain multiple image and object layers
Meta-Data EXIF Fields, XMP Info

ImageEn can load PSD files as a single image or as multiple layers (if PSD_LoadLayers is enabled)
Some custom PSD layer formats may not be supported
If you save to PSD from a TImageEnView containing multiple layers the created PSD file will have layers. To avoid this, merge the image before saving
View ImageEn PSD Methods and Properties


Camera Raw Formats

ImageEn supports a wide variety of the native image formats of cameras, from Canon (*.cr2, *.cr3, *.crw), Kodak (*.dcr, *.kdc), Minolta (*.mrw), Nikon (*.nef), Olympus (*.orf), Pentax (*.pef), Fuji (*.raf), Leica (*.raw), Sony (*.srf, *.sr2, *.arw) and Sigma (*.x3f). RAW formats are full color images.
Extensions *.crw, *.cr2, *.cr3, *.dng, *.nef, *.raw, *.raf, *.x3f, *.orf, *.srf, *.mrw, *.dcr, *.bay, *.pef, *.sr2, *.arw, *.kdc, *.mef, *.3fr, *.k25, *.erf, *.cam, *.cs1, *.dc2, *.dcs, *.fff, *.mdc, *.mos, *.nrw, *.ptx, *.pxn, *.rdc, *.rw2, *.rwl, *.iiq, *.srw
Color Formats Full Color
Multiple Frames No
Transparency No
Layer Support No
Meta-Data EXIF Camera Fields

Two imaging engines are available: DLL (based on LibRaw) and WIC. Using the DLL adds support for a much wider set of Raw formats
You can speed up loading by retrieving a half size, embedded JPEG or thumbnail image
RAW images generally needs to have their colors adjusted for display using options such as RAW_UseAutoWB, RAW_UseCameraWB and other parameters
RAW images can be automatically rotated for display if relevant meta-data is available
Saving is NOT supported
View ImageEn Camera Raw Methods and Properties


Dicom Format

DICOM is a widely used image format in the medical community. It offers both lossy and lossless saving and supports many compression types and color formats.
Extensions *.dcm, *.dic, *.dicom, *.v2
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames May contain zero, one or multiple images. Can be animated
Transparency No
Layer Support No
Meta-Data DICOM Tags

Specify which frame to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1), use a TImageEnMView to load and display all frames or enable Playing to animate the image
There are many compression and other parameters that affect saving
To update DICOM Tags without resaving the image use InjectDicomTags
View ImageEn DICOM Methods and Properties


GIF Format

GIF is a popular web format. It is lossless (no image information lost on saving), but is limited to 256 colors. GIF files are often animated.
Extensions *.gif
Color Formats Supports a maximum of 256 colors
Multiple Frames Can have multiple frames and be animated
Transparency Supported by use of a Transparent Key color
Layer Support No
Meta-Data GIF_Comments

Specify which frame to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1), use a TImageEnMView to load and display all frames
Enable Playing in TImageEnView or TImageEnMView to animate the image
There are few parameters that affect saving
Enable GIF_FlagTranspColor and specify the key color to save a transparent GIF
To manipulate multiframe GIFs in memory, use a TIEMultiBitmap or global methods
View ImageEn GIF Methods and Properties


ImageEn Format

IEN is a propietary image format of ImageEn. It is a compressed format with support for transparency, vectors, annotations and layers (images, text, shapes and lines).
Extensions *.ien, *.imageen, *.lyr
Color Formats All color formats
Multiple Frames No
Transparency Supported
Layer Support Yes
Meta-Data ImageEn Description

You can speed up loading by retrieving a thumbnail
If you save to IEN from a TImageEnView containing multiple layers the created file will have layers
To save layers as annotations only (i.e. not including the background image), disable IEN_StoreBackground
Specify the compression and size of the thumbnail
View ImageEn IEN Methods and Properties


JPEG Format

JPEG is one of the most widely used image formats. It is lossy (discards some image information when saving) and offers good quality for a very small file size. It works best with photos.
Extensions *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.jif, *.jfif
Color Formats Generally full color (though gray-scale is also supported)
Multiple Frames No
Transparency No
Layer Support No
Meta-Data EXIF Camera Fields, IPTC Fields, XMP Info, JPEG Markers, ImageEn Annotations

Three imaging engines are available: Native, DLL and WIC
You can speed up loading by retrieving a scaled image or thumbnail
Other parameters can be set to optimize I/O
JPEG can be automatically rotated for display if relevant meta-data is available
Specify the quality when saving to optimize image quality vs file size
Quality is lost each time an image is saved as JPEG (lossy), but there are global methods to rotate, flip and crop images without quality loss (lossless)
To update EXIF without resaving the image use InjectJpegEXIF
To update IPTC without resaving the image use InjectJpegIPTC
View ImageEn JPEG Methods and Properties

JPEG 2000 Format

JPEG 2000 was created as a modern replacement for the JPEG format, but despite its many advantages it has not seen wide adoption. It offers both lossy and lossless saving and supports many compression types and color formats.
Extensions *.j2k, *.jpc, *.j2c, *.jp2
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames No
Transparency Supported when saving for ioJ2000_RGB. Unsupported for loading
Layer Support No
Meta-Data None

Two imaging engines are available: Native and DLL
You can speed up loading by retrieving a scaled image
Specify the quality or rate to optimize image quality vs file size. Images can be saved losslessly (without quality loss) by setting rate to 1
Other parameters can be set to optimize I/O when saving
View ImageEn JPEG2000 Methods and Properties

PDF Files

Adobe PDF files are documents that are widely used in business.
Extensions *.pdf, *.pdfa, *.epdf
Color Formats Full Color
Multiple Frames Yes
Transparency No
Layer Support No
Meta-Data PDF Document Information

Format Support
ImageEn supports PDF files in multiple ways, which are not all compatible:

If you have installed the PDFium plug-in and enabled PdfViewer mode, then via TImageEnView (or directly using a TIEPdfViewer object) you can display and manipulate PDF files, including text searching and selection, form editing, and page importing, moving and deletion.
In this mode, LoadFromFilePDF and SaveToFilePDF will interact directly with the PdfViewer to load and save multipage PDF files.

PDF Loading
If you have installed a relevant plug-in, such as PDFium (and NOT enabled PdfViewer mode), then ImageEn can import a rasterized bitmap of each page into a TImageEnView or rasterized version of a whole document into a TImageEnMView. You should not save the document to PDF if it was loaded in this way because it will be converted to an image-only PDF (e.g. text content cannot be selected or searched).
You can also import objects in a PDF page as ImageEn layers.

PDF Saving
Natively, ImageEn can save images to a PDF file. Also, if you have multiple layers the saved PDF file will be scalable and text will be selectable and searchable.
If you have installed the PDFium plug-in and enabled PdfViewer mode, then changes made to the PDF document can be saved.

OCR Method
The IEVision Add-On also includes a method to convert text images to Searchable PDF files

Specify the supported method for PDF using PDFEngine
To load PDF files you must install a plug-in
Specify which page to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all pages
Pages can be loaded to a specific size using LoadFromFilePDF or by specifying auto-scaling properties
Specify the compression and other parameters when saving
The TIEPDFBuilder class can be used for more control over PDF generation
View ImageEn PDF Methods and Properties


PNG Format

PNG is a widely used image format. It is lossless (no image information lost on saving) and supports all color formats and transparency. It is one of the best formats to use when saving images for editing.
Extensions *.png
Color Formats All color formats
Multiple Frames No
Transparency Supported
Layer Support No
Meta-Data PNG Text fields and PNG Chunks, including reading of EXIF Camera Fields and XMP

Three imaging engines are available: Native, DLL and WIC
Using the DLL adds support for extra PNG features, including Apple CgBI format and improved PNG text fields compatibility
When saving set the compression to reduce file size (it will not lower the quality of the image but will slow processing)
For PNG files that contains chunks, ImageEn will extract EXIF data from "eXIf", "iTXt", "zTXt" and "tEXt" chunks and XMP from "iTXt", "zTXt" and "tEXt" chunks
View ImageEn PNG Methods and Properties

PostScript Files

Adobe PostScript (*.ps, *.eps) is an electronic publishing format.
Extensions *.ps, *.eps
Color Formats Full Color
Multiple Frames Yes
Transparency No
Layer Support No
Meta-Data PostScript Title

ImageEn cannot natively load PS files. If you have installed a relevant plug-in ImageEn can import a rasterized bitmap of each page
Specify which page to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all pages
ImageEn can export images to a PS file
Specify the compression and other parameters when saving

SVG Format

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a vector format mainly used by web browsers. SVG images can be scaled without losing quality.
Extensions *.svg
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames No
Transparency Supported
Layer Support Can contain multiple image, text and shape layers
Meta-Data Title

Format Support
ImageEn supports SVG files in multiple ways:

SVG Loading
Loads SVG natively as a rasterized bitmap or imports as vector layers
Loads SVG as a rasterized bitmap on Delphi 12 if you add Vcl.Skia to your uses clause and enable Skia for your project
Loads SVG as a rasterized bitmap if you install the ImageMagick Plug-In

SVG Saving
ImageEn can natively export layers from TImageEnView as a scalable SVG file
ImageEn can save an image as an embedded-image SVG file

Specify the compression for saving of image layers
The TIESVGParser class can be used for more control over SVG parsing
View ImageEn SVG Methods and Properties


TIFF Format

TIFF is a popular document format. It is lossless (no image information lost on saving) and has many sub-formats (e.g. types of compression). It is often used with monochrome documents, such as Fax images.
Extensions *.tif, *.tiff, *.fax, *.g3f, *.g3n
Color Formats Most color formats, but often used to store monochrome documents
Multiple Frames Can have one or multiple frames
Transparency Only supported by certain compression formats
Layer Support No
Meta-Data EXIF Fields, IPTC Fields, XMP Info, TIFF Name and Description, ImageEn Annotations, Wang Annotations

Specify which frame to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all frames
TIFF supports various compression and other options when saving
To manipulate multiframe TIFFs in memory, use a TIEMultiBitmap, TIETIFFHandler object or global methods
To update EXIF without resaving the image use InjectTIFFEXIF
View ImageEn TIFF Methods and Properties


Windows Bitmaps

BMP is a native Windows image format. It is lossless (no image information lost on saving), but offers only limited compression (very large files).
Extensions *.bmp, *.dib, *.rle
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames No
Transparency Supported for 32bit bitmaps
Layer Support No
Meta-Data None

Due to the lack of compression, loading and saving of BMP is very fast (good for temporary files)
View ImageEn BMP Methods and Properties

Windows Cursors

Cursor files are used by Windows to store mouse pointers of varying sizes and resolutions.
Extensions *.cur
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames Can contain multiple images
Transparency Supported if you specify the background color
Layer Support No
Meta-Data None

Specify which image to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all images
When saving, specify the "hot spot" of the cursor
View ImageEn CUR Methods and Properties

Windows Icons

Icon files are used by Windows to store images of varying sizes and resolutions for applications and documents.
Extensions *.ico
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames May contain multiple images of different sizes and resolutions
Transparency Yes
Layer Support No
Meta-Data None

Specify which image to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all images
When saving, ImageEn can automatically generate icons of different sizes and resolutions from a single image
Specify the compression and other parameters
View ImageEn ICO Methods and Properties


Meta Files

Metafiles are Windows vector images that are commonly used for clip-art. They can be scaled when loading without loss of quality.
Extensions *.emf, *.wmf
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames No
Transparency Supported (if EMFBackgroundColor = clNone)
Layer Support No
Meta-Data None

You can also specify a default background color
Meta-files can be loaded to a specific size using ImportMetafile or by specifying auto-scaling properties
You can also specify a maximum loading size
Saving is NOT supported


WebP Format

WebP is a raster graphics file format developed by Google. It supports both lossy and lossless compression.
Extensions *.webp
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames Yes (with ImageMagick only)
Transparency Yes
Layer Support No
Meta-Data None

Format Support
WebP is supported by ImageEn in the following ways:

WebP Loading
Supported by the WebP DLL
Supported automatically on Delphi 12 if you add Vcl.Skia to your uses clause and enable Skia for your project
Supported by WIC
Supported by the ImageMagick Plug-In

WebP Saving
Supported using the WebP DLL
Supported by the ImageMagick Plug-In

Specify the supported method for WebP using WebPEngine
WebP images can be saved losslessly, or at various levels of compression
For ImageMagick Plug-In, you can use a Dictionary to specify quality options when saving to WebP
To load multi-frame images with ImageMagick Plug-In, specify which image to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all images
View ImageEn WebP Methods and Properties



HEIC/HEIF (High Efficiency Image File) is a container format for storing images and image sequences.
Extensions *.heic, *.heif, *.heics, *.avcs, *.heifs, *.avif, *.avifs
Color Formats Most color formats
Multiple Frames Yes
Transparency Yes
Layer Support No
Meta-Data None

Format Support
HEIC is not supported natively by ImageEn, but loading is supported using PlugIns:

HEIC Loading
Supported by WIC
Supported by the ImageMagick Plug-In

HEIC Saving
Supported by WIC

For multi-frame images, specify which image to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all images
Only saving of single-frame images is supported. Use HDP_ImageQuality to specify the compression


Other Native Formats

ImageEn also provides native support for other formats, including BmpRaw, a true "raw" bitmap format, and Targa (*.tga), PXM, Wireless BMP (*.wbmp), PCX and DCX (a multi-page variant of PCX). Most of the these formats are seldom used today.

Extensions *.pcx, *.dcx, *.pxm, *.pbm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.tga, *.targa, *.vda, *.icb, *.vst, *.win, *.wbmp
Color Formats Full color
Multiple Frames DCX only
Transparency No
Layer Support No
Meta-Data PXM Comments, TGA Fields

Loading and saving is supported for all formats
For DCX, specify which frame to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all frames
TGA supports compression, as does PCX/DCX
Specify parameters when saving BmpRaw


WIC Formats

WIC (Windows Imaging Component) is a Windows API that provides access to fast Windows methods for loading and saving images.
WIC is used by ImageEn to support HDP, DDS, HEIF/HEIC, AVIF and WebP. It can optionally be used to load other formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.
To support some WIC formats (such as HEIF, AVIF and WebP) you will need to install a codec from the Microsoft Store
Extensions *.dds,*.wdp, *.jxr, *.hdp, *.heic, *.heif, *.heics, *.avcs, *.heifs, *.avif, *.avifs, *.webp
Color Formats Full color
Multiple Frames Some WIC formats, such as DDS and HEIF, can contain multiple images
Transparency Supported by most WIC formats (HDP, HEIF, etc.)
Layer Support No
Meta-Data WIC Codec Info, EXIF Camera Fields (Some formats)

For multi-frame images, specify which image to load using ImageIndex (between 0 and ImageCount-1) or use a TImageEnMView to load and display all images
WIC can optionally be used for loading JPEG, PNG, JPEG 2000 and Camera Raw images
Saving is supported for DDS and HDP. Saving is NOT supported for HEIF, AVIF and WebP. Other formats will depend on the codec
Specify the quality when saving HDP (optionally making it lossless)
You can optionally use the TIEWICReader and TIEWICWriter classes directly
View ImageEn WIC Methods and Properties

Other Plug-In Formats

ImageEn supports many other image formats via external plug-ins:
Adobe PDF (*.pdf, *.epdf), PostScript (*.ps, *.eps), Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg, *.svgz), High Efficiency Image File (*.heic, *.heif, *.avif), WebP image (*.webp), JPEG XL Image (*.jxl), GIMP (*.xcf), TrueType Fonts (*.ttf, *.otf), Kodak Photo-CD (*.pcd, *.pcds), Apple Pict (*.pict), CALS Image (*.cals, *.cal), Flexible Image Transport System (*.fits), HP PCL Printer Image (*.pcl), Kodak Cineon (*.cin), Embrid Embroidery Format (*.pes), SMPTE (*.dpx), Magick (*.miff, *.mvg), Matlab (*.mat), JPEG Network Graphics (*.jng), Multiple-Image Network Graphics (*.mng), High Dynamic Range File (*.exr), Microsoft XML Page (*.xps), MPEG (*.mp4, *.mpeg, *.mpg*.mov; *.m2v; *.m4v)

Loading is supported for all formats
You can load images at a specific size using the auto-scaling properties (works best with vector formats, such as SVG)
Saving is NOT supported for these formats: *.heic, *.heif, *.avif, *.ttf, *.otf, *.pfa, *.pfb, *.ttc, *.dfont, *.pes, *.cals, *.cal, *.xcf
View ImageEn Plug-In Methods and Properties


AVI Videos

AVI is a Windows video file format.
Extensions *.avi
Color Formats Full color
Multiple Frames Contains multiple frames and always animated
Transparency No
Layer Support No
Meta-Data None

Use a TImageEnMView to load and display all video frames, or load specific frames into a TImageEnView
Enable Playing in TImageEnView or TImageEnMView to animate the video frames (without audio)
Use DirectShow for native Windows playback and capture
ImageEn can save silent AVI files or capture using DirectShow
Specify the frame interval to control playback speed
View ImageEn AVI Methods and Properties


Other Video Formats

ImageEn supports other video formats (MPEG, WMV, etc) via the DirectShow or MMF APIs
Extensions *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.mp4, *.wmv
Color Formats Full color
Multiple Frames Contain multiple frames and always animated
Transparency No
Layer Support No
Meta-Data No

Use a TImageEnMView to load and display all video frames, or load specific frames into a TImageEnView
Use DirectShow for native Windows playback and capture
ImageEn can capture using DirectShow
Specify the frame interval to control playback speed
View ImageEn Video Methods and Properties


ZIP and Other Archives

ZIP is an archive format that compresses and stores files (with optional encryption).
Extensions *.zip, *.zipx, *.epub, *.7z, *.bzip2, *.bz2, *.gzip, *.cab, *.rar, *.tar, *.iso, *.chm, *.lzh
Multiple Files Contains multiple files and may use a folder heirachy

Requires the 7z plug-in
Use a TImageEnMView to load and display all files, or load specific files into a TImageEnView
View ImageEn ZIP Methods and Properties


See Also
