Version 14.0.0
New Features
◼Added: ImageEn supported under Delphi 64bit IDE
◼Added: TImageEnVect code is no longer included when compiling unless used, saving 450KB from the EXE
◼Added: Attribution comment can be customized in files saved by ImageEn
◼Added: No maximum point limit for drawing of shapes
◼Added: Improved drawing of shapes at very low quality settings
◼Added: Polyline layers with complex paths (e.g. bezier curves) can be freely rotated
◼Added: TIEShapeLayers use GDI+ anti-aliasing
◼Added: Any ImageEn shape can be used for layer and selection grips
◼Added: When multiple layers are scaled together, their positions are scaled to maintain the overall look
GetHash supports the alpha channel
◼Added: TImageEnMIO printing supports auto-orientation
◼Added: Improved some toolbar glyphs
IEShowImagePreview supports TImageEnMView previews with navigation
◼Added: Preview Image item in TImageEnMView popup menu
◼Added: Four new shapes: Magnifying Glass, Zoom In, Zoom Out and Pan
◼Added: New zoom
hover button for TImageEnView
◼Added: Options to force
centering of Twain dialogs
◼Added: Objects can be
arranged on a PDF page (i.e. change of z-order)
◼Added: Layer objects can be used with the PDF Viewer and converted to PDF objects (Experimental)
◼Added: Setting of default video format for MMF can be disabled to greatly speed up capture initialization
◼Added: Code optimization
◼Added: Aspect ratio is maintained when cropping or rotating layers via Previews dialog
◼Added: Easier rotation of fixed angles in Previews dialog
◼Added: Methods to determine if a point is within the polygon of a Polyline or Shape layer
◼Added: Better handling of TIFF files with tiles and very large blocks of
Photoshop meta-data
◼Added: Vectorizing of raster images to SVG
RemoveIsolatedPixels supports full color images
◼Added: Support for audio devices with MMF
◼Added: Layer images are cached at smaller sizes at high zoom levels
◼Added: TIOParams.ResetInfo clears large TIFF photoshop meta data blocks
◼Added: Verbose exceptions option for
◼Added: New shortcuts for TImageEnView, TImageEnMView and TIERichEdit: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Reset Zoom, Show Rulers, Undo and Redo
KeyInteract property to handle all keyboard interaction for TImageEnView
◼Added: AutoOrient parameter for GetImageDetails
◼Added: Arrow cursors when hoving over TImageEnView buttons
◼Added: Any shape can be use for
◼Added: Bar/Arrow and decorative end styles for line layers
◼Added: Use system cursor for rotated image layers for cleaner styling
◼Added: New property for
Twain compatibility options
Bug Fixes
◼Fixed: ParamsFromFile error for WIC formats
◼Fixed: Drag selection may be triggered unexpectedly in TImageEnMView
◼Fixed: Difficult to exit layer point editing mode
◼Fixed: Polygon layer resize and point editing interactions don't work well together
◼Fixed: Some issues with images in SVG
◼Fixed: Unexpected wrapping with TImageEnProc.DrawTextEx()
◼Fixed: Adding a frame wrongly positions text with TImageEnProc.DrawTextEx()
◼Fixed: Scaling issues with rotated polygons and shapes exported to SVG
◼Fixed: Bezier curve points may shift when moving layers
◼Fixed: Text becomes selected when clicking PDF navigation buttons
◼Fixed: Text may be cut off in right-aligned text layers
◼Fixed: Editing of PDF objects uses strange positioning if view is rotated
◼Fixed: Issue with asymmetric scaling and rfFastLinear
◼Fixed: If media type has not been specified for MMF, default media type was not returned
◼Fixed: Memory issue if load very large TIFF that uses tiles
◼Fixed: TImageEnView scrollbar position not updated when application is themed
◼Fixed: Initialization issue for TIEFolderTree if used on a tab
◼Fixed: Folder specific popup menu not shown when clicking background of TImageEnFolderMView
◼Fixed: Layer Fix methods do not automatically update the TImageEnView
◼Fixed: loAutoFixRotation can cause multiple selection
◼Fixed: Memory issue when set TImageEnView.SetExternalBitmap to nil, if already nil
◼Fixed: Potential loss of quality when accessing TIELayer.Bitmap for non-image layers
◼Fixed: Order of colors not correct when reducing color count for gray scale to less than existing count
◼Fixed: Layer undo may not reset the layer cache
Changes to Classes
◼Added: New
TIEAcquireParams properties:
XScaling and
TImageEnView.OnHoverToolbar and
◼Added: Exposed
TImageEnMView.SelectImage so the active image can be specified without affecting the existing selection
◼Added: TIEGlobalSettings.DefaultAlphaThreshold
Changes to Method Parameters
◼Added: Width and Height parameters for
◼Added: CropThreshold parameter for
◼Added: CheckAlpha parameter for
SelectMagicWand and
CropTransparentBorder returns the crop rectangle
Demo Changes
◼New: Vectorize to SVG demo (Demos\InputOutput\VectorizeToSVG\VectorizeToSVG.dpr)
◼New: PDF Objects with Layers demo (Demos\PDF\PDFPageObjects_FromLayers\PDFPageObjectsLayers.dpr)
◼Added: Improvements to MMF demos (Demos\VideoCapture\MediaFoundationCam\MediaFoundationCam.dpr)
◼Added: Animating of images in Complete Editor demo (Demos\ImageEditing\CompleteEditor\PhotoEn.dpr)
◼Added: Improvements to Twain demo (Demos\ImageAcquisition\Twain\TwainDemo.dpr)
Compatibility Issues
TIFF_PhotoshopImageSourceData has changed from type
TIEArrayOfByte to TStream for better memory handling
◼Changed: Items of
KeyboardShortcuts now have the prefix ieks, rather than ies, e.g. iesCopy is now ieksCopy
loKeyboardShortcuts is deprecated. You should use vkiLayerEditing of
KeyInteract instead
iesoAllowMoveByKeyboard is deprecated. You should use vkiMoveSelection of
KeyInteract instead
TImageEnView.KeyboardShortcuts is deprecated. You should use vkiInteractiveTools of
KeyInteract instead
◼Removed: TImageEnView.CropTool.GripSize. Instead use
◼Removed: TImageEnView.CloneTool.CursorSize/CursorShape. Instead use
◼Removed: TImageEnView.CloneTool.CursorShape. Instead use
TIEColorCurve.PointShape is no longer a TIEPointShape, it is a TIEShape. For iepsSquare use iesRectangle, for iepsCircle use iesEllipse
◼Changed: Instead of IEGlobalSettings().TwainCropBufferedTransferedImage add ietcCropBufferedTransferImage to
◼Changed: Instead of IEGlobalSettings().ReleaseTwainResources add ietcReleaseTwainResources to
◼Changed: Instead of IEGlobalSettings().ReuseTwainWindowHandle add ietcReuseTwainWindowHandle to
◼Changed: Instead of IEGlobalSettings().ModelessSelectTwainSource add ietcModelessSelectSource to
See Also
◼Complete History
◼Updating and Compatibility