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 IEvolution for .NET 10.0.0 Released
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Posted - May 02 2021 :  20:29:32  Show Profile  Reply
We have just released IEvolution v10.0.0. This is a free update to all customers who have purchased a license or registration extension after 2 May 2020.

You can extend your registration for a further 12 months at:

Top Ten Enhancements

1. Significantly optimized performance of IEMulti

2. Imaging engine (Native, DLL or WIC) can be specified for JPEG/PNG/JPEG2000

3. Added mouse interactions for IEViewer: RetouchTool, ColorPicker and SmoothZoom, with new UserInteraction event

4. IEViewer CropTool now offers a Rotation Grip and easy reselection

5. New AutoSetBitDepth property to automatically update properties to match the specified file and pixel format

6. Many WIC improvements, including support for 32bit PNG, alpha channel and EXIF reading

7. Wider support for DICOM, including support for 12 bit jpeg encoding, Segmented Palette Color Lookup Tables and Multiframe Shared functional group rescaling

8. Native Windows open/save dialogs can be used for image loading and saving operations

9. Support for many less common TIFF formats including 32 bit (HDR) TIFFs, special LZW encoded tiffs and planar 8 bit gray scale with alpha

10. Many optimizations and fixes

Complete Change History:

Xequte Software
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