ImageEn for Delphi and C++ Builder ImageEn for Delphi and C++ Builder


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 FloodFill issue
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951 Posts

Posted - Oct 25 2022 :  03:03:34  Show Profile  Reply
Delphi 11.2
ImageEn 11.4.0

Please compile the attached small demo project.
Follow exactly these steps:

1. Start the app
2. Click the ButtonColorFill
3. Click the ImageEnView to fill the ImageEnView with yellow color
4. Click the ButtonAlphaFill
5. Click the ImageEnView to fill the ImageEnView with transparency
6. Click the ButtonColorFill
7. Click the ImageEnView: The ImageEnView is NOT filled with the yellow color! Why?

2.17 KB

UPDATE: Obviously, the added alpha transparency makes any color added after step #5 transparent (i.e., invisible).
1. So is there a feature to remove alpha transparency from the whole image?
2. Or, what would be even better: A Floodfill command that REMOVES alpha transparency in the same way as [miAlphaFill] adds alpha transparency. (Which is the same as setting the AlphaFill value to 255).
3. Or even yet better: An enhanced [miColorFill] that automatically removes alpha transparency on every pixel where it applies the fill color. Does such an enhanced [miColorFill] exist in ImageEn?


38810 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2022 :  21:47:39  Show Profile  Reply

In the current update, fill will make all colored pixels fully opaque.

You can change this effect by setting: ImageEnView1.FillTool.ColorFillAlpha
-1 will prevent any change to alpha values. 255 is the default.

Xequte Software
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