procedure CopyRectTo(Dest: TIEBitmap; SrcX, SrcY, DstX, DstY: integer; RectWidth, RectHeight: integer; CopyAlpha: boolean = false);
Copies an area of the current image to the
Dest bitmap.
Parameter | Description |
Dest | Destination bitmap |
SrcX | Left source position |
SrcY | Top source position |
DstX | Left destination position. Can be negative (cut top-left rectangle and reduces size) |
DstY | Top destination position |
RectWidth | Width of rectangle to copy |
RectHeight | Height of rectangle to copy |
CopyAlpha | If true alpha channel is also copied (only if the source bitmap has an alpha channel). Source alpha replaces any existing alpha |
◼Dest must have the same
PixelFormat as the image, or the image can be ie1g and dest ie24RGB (i.e. Monochrome to RGB conversion)
◼If the
PixelFormat is ie8p, then you may also need to
copy the palette
// Method that takes an image, splits it into multiple cells and saves each cell to file
procedure SplitImage(Bitmap: TIEBitmap; cols, rows: integer; DestFolder: string);
cellWidth, cellHeight: Double;
x,y : Integer;
outBmp: TIEBitmap;
cellWidth := Bitmap.Width / cols;
cellHeight := Bitmap.Height / rows;
outBmp := TIEBitmap.Create();
outBmp.Allocate( Round( cellWidth ), Round( cellHeight ));
for x := 0 to cols do
for y := 0 to rows do
Bitmap.CopyRectTo( outBmp,
Round( cellWidth * x ), Round( cellHeight * y ),
0, 0,
Round( cellWidth ), Round( cellHeight ));
outBmp.SaveToFile( IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( DestFolder ) + IntToStr( x ) + '_' + IntToStr( y ) + '.bmp' );
TIEBitmap Assignment and Drawing Methods
TIEBitmap Methods
Method | Mode | Purpose |
Assign | From TIEBitmap/TBitmap/TGraphic/TIcon | Copy whole image |
AssignImage | From TIEBitmap | Like assign, but does not copy the alpha channel |
AssignRect | From TIEBitmap/TBitmap | Copy a specified rect |
CopyAndConvertFormat | From TIEBitmap | Copy whole image |
CopyRectTo | To TIEBitmap | Copy rect to another image (without scaling) |
CopyWithMask1 | To TIEBitmap | Copy image using a mask to specify what is copied from the source |
CopyWithMask2 | To TIEBitmap | Copy image using a mask to specify what is replaced in the destintation |
DrawToTIEBitmap | To TIEBitmap | Copies all or part of the image to a specified position and/or size |
JoinBitmaps | From two TIEBitmaps | Draws two bitmaps to a single bitmap |
MergeAlphaRectTo | With TIEBitmap | Merges the alpha channels of two TIEBitmaps using merge rules |
MergeWithAlpha | With TIEBitmap | Merges all or part of two TIEBitmaps with alpha channels to a specified position |
RenderToTIEBitmapEx | To TIEBitmap | Extended drawing of content to a TIEBitmap |
StretchRectTo | To TIEBitmap | Copy rect to dest rect in another image (with scaling) |
SwitchTo | To TIEBitmap | Move content from one TIEBitmap to another |
TBitmap Methods
Method | Mode | Purpose |
Assign | From TIEBitmap/TBitmap/TGraphic/TIcon | Copy whole image |
AssignTo | To TIEBitmap/TBitmap | Copy whole image with optional scaling |
AssignRect | From TIEBitmap/TBitmap | Copy a specified rect |
CopyFromTBitmap | From TBitmap | Copy whole image |
CopyToTBitmap | To TBitmap | Copy whole image |
RenderToTBitmapEx | To TBitmap | Extended drawing of content to a TBitmap |
TCanvas Methods